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TIPS Newsletters

TIPS Newsletter July 2024


TIPS Newsletter October 2023

This newsletter includes the latest editions of The Real Economy Bulletin, details of the TIPS Annual Forum and APORDE programme, with links to recent research and videos from TIPS Development Dialogues held recently.


TIPS Newsletter May 2023

This newsletter reports on some of our recent projects, including the latest editions of the REB State of Small Business and Provincial Review, the Black Intustrialists Case Studies, the Annual Forum and APORDE, with links to recent research and policy briefs.


TIPS Newsletter December 2022

This newsletter reports on some of our recent projects, including the new Green Economy Bulletin, the Annual Forum and APORDE, with links to recent research and policy briefs.


TIPS Newsletter April 2017

Projects covered in this issue include: 

  • The Manufacturing Circle's new survey: the Manufacturing Composite Investment Tracker (MCIT),
  • Details of the research support for the Department of Trade and Industry's agro-processing desk, and
  • TIPS's input to the Fees Commission on the social, economic and financial implications of providing fee-free higher education and training.


TIPS Newsletter November 2016

Projects covered in this issue include: 

  • TIPS's work for the Steel Task Team,
  • The green economy project for the Department of Trade and Industry, and 
  •  A study on reducing the administrative burden for small business.


TIPS Newsletter July 2016

Research covered in this issue: 

  • The trade and investment relationship between South Africa and the United States.
  • Research commissioned by WWF South African on climate change adaptation and agriculture in South Africa.
  • TIPS's work for the Steel Task Team.


TIPS Newsletter March 2016

Research covered in this issue: 

  • Regional integration and regional value chains: this included research on South Africa's industrial policy and industrialisation as part of a SADC strategy on regional economic growth and integration.
  • A paper for Nedlac on regional industrial development; and a look at three regional value chains: soya, infrastructure and capital equipment.
  • Details of a study conducted to determine a baseline expenditure on Green R&D.


TIPS Newsletter October 2015

Research covered in this issue:  

  • Some key findings from the Manufacturing Circle's second quarter survey and bulletin.
  • Findings from research on mining value chains and green growth in South Africa. 
  • A study for the United Nations Development Programme on the impacts of social and economic inequality on economic development in South Africa, with an article, based on the study, published by City Press on Inequality is growth's enemy.


TIPS Newsletter June 2015

Research covered in this issue:

  • A study for the Department of Trade & Industry on how South Africa can improve the strategic use of its technical infrastructure to lock out substandard and unsafe products, and through this grow the local manufacture of high-standard, safe products for the domestic economy and for export.
  • A review for Nedlac of the electricity planning process through an evaluation of South Africa’s Integrated Resource Plan.
  • A collaboration with the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation on a study on migrancy and mining in the North West Province in the context of the strikes on the platinum mines.


TIPS Newsletter February 2015

Research covered in this issue:

  • A look at the benefits for South Africa of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).
  • A study on the impact of electricity price increases on the energy usage practices and competitiveness of selected mining sector and smelting value chains in South Africa.
