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21 March 2012

Business Consultation on Rio+20

  • Year: 2012

Official project name: Facilitation of a Sectoral Workshop and Preparation of a Briefing Paper. Rio+20 Project / Research and Technical Cooperation Services Unit for the Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement Facility

Client: WWF and Department of Environmental Affairs

Funder: Trade Development and Cooperation Agreement (European Union)

Duration: 22 March 2012 – 10 April 2012


In 2012, the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) engaged with civil society stakeholders to inform its response to the Rio+20 Zero Draft Outcome Document, The Future We Want. The DEA supported the organisation of four sectoral workshops with relevant stakeholders from the environmental movement, labour, business and the social sector.

TIPS facilitated the business cluster workshop in Johannesburg, South Africa in April 2012 aimed at informing relevant stakeholders and capturing sectoral views relating to Rio+20. TIPS’s Sustainable Growth pillar developed a briefing paper, titled “How Can a Green Economy Transition Make Doing Business in South Africa Easier and More Competitive?” to inform and guide the DEA and other business stakeholders on issues related to Rio+20, including recommendations to be included in the DEA submission to Cabinet. TIPS was also responsible for rapporteuring and synthesising the outcome of the consultation, which constituted the input of business in the process.