
21 May 2010

Alternative Energy Generation for South Africa

  • Year: 2010

Official project name: Alternative Energy Generation for South Africa

Client: Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town 

Funder: Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town 

Duration: 26.04.2010 - 26.07.2010


TIPS, in collaboration with PDG Consulting, carried out a research project in 2010 on alternative energy generation for the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) at the University of Cape Town. The project, which formed part of the Employment Promotion Programme Phase Two (EPP P2), included three components.

First, TIPS and PDG produced three input reports covering the following topics: alternative energy sources for South Africa and action plans to address barriers to implementation; alternative electricity generation strategies in developing countries; and policy for alternative energy generation in South Africa.

Second, a workshop aimed at assessing low-carbon electricity generation options for South Africa was hosted in June 2010 to discuss the research findings with relevant government, business and civil society stakeholders.

Third, a research and capacity building agenda for alternative energy generation in South Africa was developed based on the input papers and workshop discussions.

Photo: CommunityLED