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07 May 2013

Economic Regulation

  • Year: 2013

Project name: Regulatory Entities Capacity Building: Review of Regulators Orientation and Performance

Client: Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg

Funder: Economic Development Department

Duration: 2013 - March 2014


Effective performance by economic regulators is important for growth and development. In recognition of the importance of their role, the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg has commissioned the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development to undertake a research and capacity building project for economic regulators in South Africa. The Regulatory Entities Capacity Building Project involves a review of the performance of the economic regulators as well as identifying the constraints impacting their performance. The University of Johannesburg aims to use the information from the reviews to create customised training course in regulatory economics for both employees of the economic regulators in South Africa and for students.

TIPS conducted three sector reviews for the project, including the electricity sector and the renewable enery sector.

The emphasis of these reviews was on understanding the issues at a practical level, looking at how the regulator has been able to address the challenges it has faced, and how it can be assisted to improve, including from learning from other regulators.

Review of Regulation in the Electricity Supply Industry

Review of Regulation in Renewable Energy


Authors:  Gaylor Montmasson-Clair and Georgina Ryan
Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, September 2014, Volume 7

South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer (REIPP) procurement programme is hailed worldwide as a model for renewable energy procurement. Its success is far from experimental and haphazard and points directly to lessons acquired prior to, and during, the launch and running of the programme. This article explores the journey of the REIPP procurement programme and draws critical lessons from the process. It discusses the success of the REIPP procurement programme in developing the renewable energy sector in South Africa, drawing seven key lessons that explain this success and exploring the remaining challenges. The article shows that, despite the need for further improvements and continual optimisation, the development of the REIPP procurement programme has been a positive illustration of successful policy and regulatory learning processes.

Lessons from South Africa's Renewable Energy Regulatory and Procurement Experience