
External Journals

Saturday, 01 March 2014

Challenges to Regional Infrastructure Development

  • Year: 2012
  • Organisation: This paper was funded by and prepared for the Development Bank of Southern Africa in 2012.
  • Author(s): Ellen Hagerman (TIPS Research Fellow)

This report is a survey of the on-going challenges to the development and implementation of regional infrastructure projects in Southern Africa with a specific focus on the North-South Corridor. The report incorporates both information and analysis based on consultations with about 50 stakeholders working on, or associated with, regional infrastructure development in Southern Africa as well as with individuals and organisations that provided further analysis and perspective to the context under which infrastructure is being developed in the region and on the continent. 

While the research was conducted in 2012, the findings are still valid and will have ongoing relevance to people who are interested in taking note of the challenges and lessons learned related to regional infrastructure development.

Ellen Hagerman is a Research Fellow at TIPS.