
Trade and Industry

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Services Sector Development: A Key to Poverty Alleviation in Mauritius

  • Year: 2009
  • Organisation: Services Sector Development Thematic Working Group; TIPS, BIDPA and UoM
  • Author(s): Verena, T. , Vishal, R. and Ken, P.
  • Countries and Regions: Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa)

The services sector is increasingly seen as a means to promote economic development and reduce poverty. It is becoming the largest sector, in terms of share of GDP and employment, in most developing countries. The services sector is highly diverse, ranging, from infrastructure services such as telecommunications, construction, transportation, financial services to tourism to business services that directly affect firm competitiveness, to social services such as health or education. Infrastructure services support all types of enterprises. Education, health, and recreational services influence the quality of labour available to enterprises. Business and professional services provide specialized expertise to increase enterprise competitiveness.