
Trade and Industry

Trade and Industry (257)

Industrial policy forms the core of TIPS’s work. In this context, TIPS supports the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), the Departmenet of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and several other departments and stakeholders with targeted studies to support policy development for industrial and trade policy as well as manufacturing growth.

TIPS undertakes research, among others, into national and regional sectors, value chains and clusters; the impact of state and private institutions on manufacturing  growth and diversification; the barriers to entry to small and medium enterprise in manufacturing; the extent and nature of innovation; and the impact of manufacturing on broader economic growth and development, income distribution and job creation.

Trade research has also been an important research area of TIPS since its establishment.  TIPS has looked at many different aspects of international trade, including country studies, trade policy, export development and the relationship between trade and industrial policy. 

See past projects

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Elna Moolman
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Policy makers in the public sector are often faced with requests for financial and other support of investment projects and incentive schemes. Frequently, such requests are accompanied by or require economic impact analyses of some sort. Economic impact assessment of investment projects can be undertaken at various levels. At one…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Al Berry; Magali von Blottnitz
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY South Africa has, since 1994, been faced with the double challenges of re-integration into global markets as a global economy, while at the same time positioning itself to realise the high expectations of its populace regarding a successful transition towards a more democratic order. To achieve…
The SADC Free Trade Agreement, which came into being at the beginning of 2000 is up for a mid term review during 2004. The agreement is characterised by complex and restrictive rules of origin. Using references to case studies, Frank Flatters argues that if rules of origin were used simply…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation ERSA, University of the Witwatersrand
  • Author(s) Johannes Fedderke
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
South Africa's democratic transition now lies close to a decade in the past. The transition carried with it much by way of hopes in terms of greater access by its population, not only to an improved rights environment. It was envisaged that the political self-realization of all South African citizens…

  • Year 2002
  • Author(s) Paul Dunne; Richard Haines
  • Countries and Regions South Africa

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation National Treasury
  • Author(s) Matthew Stern; Nnzeni Netshitomboni
  • Countries and Regions East African Community (EAC), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The US Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which was promulgated in October 2000, claims to “move Africans from poverty to prosperity by increasing their economic opportunities.” The Act extends Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) status for qualifying African countries to September 2008 and expands the existing list of 4…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS; WITS
  • Author(s) Rossana Achterberg
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Rapid technological change has impacted on the provision of telecommunications in South Africa, as in other countries. The increasing capacity of fibre optic networks, the growing powers of computers, the growth of satellite communications and other broadband developments are major factors influencing growth. Data to support an "information society" is…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Hildegunn Nordas
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper discusses one aspect of the somewhat discredited "new economy" namely the impact of information and communication technologies on the growth in volume and diversity of producer services. It provides an analysis of data on developments within transport, communications, finance and business services in South Africa and discusses the…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS; UCT
  • Author(s) Melvin Ayogu
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The government of South Africa comes across clear in enunciating its goals for the reform of public enterprises. According to the Minister of Public Enterprises, “restructuring” is the generic term taken to represent the set of strategies employed by the state to ensure that public enterprises in South Africa are…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Anton Eberhard
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper is essentially a scoping exercise to explore the type of issues that might arise for South Africa in WTO energy service negotiations. The background to the current round of negotiations in energy services is explained, including the uncertainties that remain in classifying energy services. The extent and diversity…

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation IFPRI
  • Author(s) James Thurlow
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper assesses the economy-wide impact of implementing and financing a universal or basic income grant (BIG) in South Africa. The various financing scenarios suggested by the proponents of the grant are presented, and these are compared using an applied general equilibrium model for the South African economy. The results…
Saturday, 15 June 2002

Cancun: Crisis or Catharsis?

  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Bernard Hoekman
  • Countries and Regions Mercosur (Common Market of the South)
During September 10-14, 2003, WTO members met in Cancun for a mid-term review of the Doha Round of trade negotiations, launched in November 2001. Trade ministers entered the 5th WTO Ministerial divided on agricultural and non-agricultural negotiating modalities, on whether to launch negotiations on the so-called Singapore issues and their…

  • Year 2002
  • Author(s) Anton Eberhard
  • Countries and Regions South Africa

  • Year 2002
  • Author(s) James Thurlow; Dirk van Seventer
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The paper reports on the construction and testing of a Standard International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) computable general equilibrium model for South Africa. A 1998 social accounting matrix (SAM) for South Africa is compiled using national accounts information and recently released supply-use tables. By updating to a recent year,…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation SADC
  • Author(s) Peter Coughlin; Musa Rubin
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
This report is the culmination of a study of the textile and garment industries in the member states of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). Based on fieldwork mostly done between October 2000 and April 2001, the project produced country reports for each of the 11 countries that are signatories…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Author(s) Jeffrey Lewis
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC)
In this paper, we examine the changing role of trade in South Africa and SADC from different vantage points. We first review progress in liberalizing South Africa's trade regime, and conclude that, while signs of progress are clear, the levels and complexity of protection continue to pose barriers to the…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Peter Delius; Stefan Schirmer
The paper puts forward a workable rural development strategy. It shows on which principles, which historical realities and which statistical facts such a strategy should be based. It looks at what the government is doing to promote rural development and suggests ways in which current policies could be improved, expanded…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Rosalind Mowatt
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The reform of the financial sector has been an important component of the structural adjustment programmes pursued by developing countries, whereby reform entails reducing government involvement, freeing up financial markets, and strengtheningfinancial institutions. In Southern Africa, however, the financial systems of most countries remain relatively underdeveloped, in spite of these…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS; WITS
  • Author(s) Charles Okeahalam
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The banking sector in South Africa is highly concentrated. When there is high concentration, it is necessary to examine the effects on efficiency and prices. In this paper, we discuss the fact that there are various types of efficiency in banking, and that high levels of concentration tend to reduce…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS and University of Cape Town
  • Author(s) Dirk van Seventer; Lawrence Edwards
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Almost immediately after the first democratic election, South African policy makers embraced the policy of trade liberalisation (see Holden 2000). To many observers, the offer made by South Africa to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been very generous. Various attempts to evaluate the impact of trade liberalisation on the…

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Al Berry
  • Countries and Regions Latin America
The current economic setting in most Latin American countries suggests that if the small and medium enterprise sector does not perform well during the next couple of decades, overall economic performance will also be unsatisfactory, especially in the areas of employment creation and income distribution. No other major sector has…

  • Year 2001
  • Author(s) TIna James; Philip Esselaar
  • Countries and Regions South Africa

  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Samuel Bowles
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
From the standpoint of labor around the world the problem with globalization is not that it lowers market-determined wages and reduces employment - it is as likely to do the opposite, and which it does will vary from country to country. The more general problem is that labor depend on…

  • Year 2000
  • Organisation DIIW
  • Author(s) Brigitte Preissl
  • Countries and Regions European Union (EU)
In most industrialised economies, service sectors do not only show high growth rates of output and employment : they also go through dramatic changes with respect to use of technology, innovation, and regulatory frameworks. Service sector performance becomes more and more important for the competitiveness of national economies. However, not…

  • Year 2000
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Anna Kesper
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
South Africa’s recent integration into the world economy provokes the question about its potential for building competitive advantage and prosperity at the local level in the context of an increasingly globalised economy. The experience of prospering localities in industrialised countries, in particular Western Europe and Japan, suggests that the small…

  • Year 2000
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Willem Naude
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This document has been prepared for the Trade and Industrial Policy Secretariat (TIPS) in light of the imperative for South Africa to prepare its negotiating mandate at the discussions around the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) that commences in the year 2000. The GATS…

  • Year 2000
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Taryn Dinkelman; Farah Pirouz
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
A narrow unemployment rate of 21.2% and a broad unemployment rate of 36% in 1997 in South Africa indicate a substantial number of working age people who did not work in the last seven days but would accept a job even though they were not actively searching for work. Under…

  • Year 2000
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Vusi Gumede
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
It is generally acknowledged that there is no sufficient, exhaustive and elaborate empirical examination of the quantitative impact of policies pertaining to import demand and economic growth in South Africa. In order to arrive at conclusive, sagacious and applicable policies on the economic growth potential of an economy, it is…

  • Year 2000
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Merle Holden; Daniela Casale
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The paper aimed to establish the changes that had occurred in the institutional structures governing trade policy in South Africa during the period 1990-1998. It also examined the forces that had influenced the application of tariff policy by the major tariff setting bodies by applying various theories of endogenous protection…
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