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Company Profile

Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) is an independent, non-profit, economic research institution based in Pretoria, South Africa. It was established in 1996 to support economic policy development, with an emphasis on industrial policy, in South Africa and the region.

TIPS has two main areas of work: trade and inclusive industrial policy; and sustainable development.

TIPS’s main objectives are to undertake in-depth economic analyses, especially at the industrial level; to provide quality research as the basis for improving industrial policy as well as broad economic development strategies; and to support an increasingly dynamic and evidence-based discourse on industrial policy and inclusive growth with academics, other researchers and stakeholders.

TIPS offers high-quality quantitative and qualitative research, project management, dialogue facilitation, capacity building a knowledge sharing. TIPS undertakes commissioned research, as well as policy papers and think pieces around industrial policy and economic development.

TIPS has more than 20 full-time staff members and works with a network of expert researchers and institution partners across South Africa and the world. Its activities are overseen by a Board of Directors comprising individuals involved in high-level policy formulation in South Africa. TIPS also has a Members Group that includes policymakers and researchers from across South Africa, which provides intellectual guidance and support for the organisation.

TIPS is committed to the growth a development of future economic researchers and operates a substantial intern and young economist development programme in-house.