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29 October 2020

Climate change and trade risk: South Africa's trade with South Korea

South Africa’s top exports to South Korea are iron ore, coal, ferroalloys and vehicles. Exports to South Korea accounted for about 2% of South Africa’s exports over the 2010 to 2019 period. South Korea has committed to a low-carbon energy policy and has set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets of 37% below business as usual by 2030. South Africa’s largest exports are at risk as the country’s mining exports are relatively carbon intensive and South Korea’s low-carbon energy transition intends to drastically reduce coal-powered energy generation and coal imports. 

This brief is based on a comprehensive review of India’s climate change policy framework in relation to industries, as well as a review of South Africa’s climate and trade risks. It forms part of a research project for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition examining the vulnerability of South African trade to evolving climate change legislation. The research comprises a main report on The global climate change regime and its impacts on South Africa's trade and competitiveness: A data note on South Africa's exports; case studies on various sectors; detailed briefs that explore South Africa’s trade risks with different countries; and key data in Excel format.

The reports, other country briefs and excel sheets are available at Climate change and trade risks.

Last modified on 07 December 2020