
13 December 2024

A tale of three transitions: The pursuit of just transitions in South Africa

  • Author(s): Gaylor Montmasson-Clair

This policy brief opens the door for a deeper understanding of South Africa’s tale of three transitions. First, the electricity transition, characterised by a shift to more decentralised, modular and renewable energy-based systems, is discussed with a focus on the necessary steps to transition the power system sustainability and inclusively. Second, the connected but broader coal transition is unpacked, bringing forward the importance of dedicated interventions in support of a just transition in the value chain, especially in the coalfields of Mpumalanga. Third, the need to pursue an all-of-society and all-of-economy transformation towards climate-resilient and low-carbon models of development is put forward, emphasising the multi-scalar, multi-context, multi-geography nature of climate and transition impacts. Last, the conclusion formulates the necessity of concurrent and mutually-reinforcing but dedicated responses for each of the ‘three transitions’. 

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