
The New EPAs - Comparative Analysis of Contents & Challenges of 2008


Mareike Meyn (ODI, UK): Mareike is a research officer at the International Economic Development Group of ODI. She has recently worked on South,South trade in Special Products and on assessments of the loss by Botswana and Namibia of preferential market access to the EU. Mareike works with Chris Stevens and Jane Kennan, both at ODI. Previously, Mareike worked at the Institute for World Economics and International Management (IWIM) at the University of Bremen, Germany. She obtained her PhD in Development Economics at the University of Bremen in 2006.

Mareike specialises in the evaluation of bilateral, regional and international trade agreements between European and Southern African countries. Her work includes assessing the socio-economic impact of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) in Southern Africa. She has written extensively on the trade-related aspects of regional economic integration in Southern and Eastern Africa and the role of the private sector in supporting the formalisation of such arrangements. Mareike has also undertaken a series of sector-level studies and associated value-chain analyses in selected Southern African countries. She has lectured on development policy and co-operation and trade reform and liberalisation. She is currently working on an assessment of the compatibility of SADC members' national trade policies.

  • Date Thursday, 06 March 2008

FDI, Firms and Domestic Linkages: Reflecting on SADC through Case Studies


Glen Robbins is a part-time Researcher at the School of Development Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal and freelance consultant specialising in regional and local economic development, with a focus on regional and city economic development strategies, infrastructure planning and financing and trade and industrial policy. Previously he headed up the Economic Development and City Enterprises functions in the eThekwini Municipality (Durban). Since 2003 he has been involved in teaching and research at the School of Development Studies and has contributed journal articles and book chapters on subjects ranging from municipal infrastructure investment to industrial policy and local economic development. He has authored and co-authored reports for the Cities Alliance, UNCTAD, ILO and other multi-lateral bodies. During 2005 and 2006 he worked with the core writing team appointed by the South African Cities Network to contribute to the 2006 State of the South African Cities Report.

  • Date Friday, 25 April 2008
  • Venue TIPS / The ComMark Trust Office, 826 Government Avenue, Pretoria
  • Main Speakers Glen Robbins

The Development Dialogue Seminar series is a new Seminar Series hosted by TIPS and the Commark Trust. The Seminars will generally be held in the afternoon of the last Friday of the month, and will start at 14h00 and conclude at 15h30 though discussions can continue after 15h30. However, for international speakers, the seminars could be held on other days. Please refer to the programme on the home page.

The Seminar programme has been designed for government officials and other stakeholders for whom the themes tackled are of relevance. The Seminars offer a platform to share views and ideas on specific development issues and alternative policy strategies.

The themes covered by the series are wide ranging - they span the informal economy, specific trade negotiation challenges, etc. the seminar series also attempts to offer perspectives from other countries in the region and beyond.

Who can attend?

Government officials and others who contribute to policy are targeted by the Seminar series. Though places are limited, please do let us know if you feel that a seminar would be of particular relevance to someone else.

Confirmation of attendance is required.

The First Seminar of 2008

The first Development Dialogue Seminar of 2008 will take place on the 25 January 2008 at 14h00.

The seminar will be on "Multiple crops and local distribution models for poverty alleviation: feasibility and recommendations".

About the Speaker

Tracy Van Der Heijen:

Tracy has received an Honours degree in Economics and Law from Wits. She has 7 years economic research experience in banking (at the Treasury) and stock broking, and 5 years in financial services. She was MD of an asset management company (R30 billion in assets) and MD of an asset management administration company (R40 billion in assets). Since 2003, Tracy has been working as an independent consultant. Her work includes public sector reform in Malawi, the implementation of various parts of the new National Credit Act for the NCR and economic analysis work for City of Johannesburg. She has also undertaken various studies for the HSRC, largely around job creation.

RSVP by email: to confirm attendance and specify food allergies if any, as a light lunch will be served.

  • Date Friday, 25 January 2008
  • Organisation TIPS
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