
Announcements (80)

Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) will host its Annual Forum on Wednesday and Thursday, 30-31 July 2025. The theme is the AfCFTA, regional integration and industrial development. The Annual Forum will take place at the IDC, 19 Fredman Drive, Sandown. The 2025 TIPS Forum seeks to deepen understanding of the implications of the AfCFTA and regional integration on industrial development in Southern Africa. Through expanding trade and investment between countries on the continent, the AfCFTA, along with regional integration, opens the opportunity for strengthening industrial development on the continent. There are, however, risks to smaller economies or that circumvention of…
If you missed the Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies Development Dialogue on Technological Change and Innovation in Industrial Policy, you can watch the full video and download the presentations here: Development Dialogues
If you missed the TIPS Development Dialogue on Gendering Industrial Policy,  you can watch the full video and download the presentations here: Development Dialogue.
01 July 2024

TIPS Forum 2024

Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS), in partnership with DSI/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI), the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (the dtic) and ABSA Bank held the 2024 Annual TIPS Forum titled: Small Business, Inclusive Growth and Industrial Policy in South Africa. For copies of the papers and presentations click here: Forum presentations. Videos of all 12 sessions are available here: Forum 2024 videos.  
TIPS is hosting a Development Dialogue titled The Role of Masterplans in Industrial Policy on the 10th of July from 11:00 to 13:00 PM. For more information about the programme and speakers, and copies of the video and presentations, go to Development Dialogues
If you missed the TIPS Development Dialogue titled South Africa in AGOA: Impact and Renewal on June 26, you can watch the full video and download the presentations here: Development Dialogue.
The TIPS Development Dialogue: Developing the Renewable Energy Industrial Value Chain was held on Thursday 30 May 2024 at 13h00pm. For more information about the programme and speakers, and copies of the video and presentations, go to Development Dialogue.
The TIPS Development Dialogue: Industrial policy after the COVID-19 downturn was held on Thursday 25 April 2024. For more information about the programme and speakers, and copies of the video and presentations, go to Development Dialogue.
APORDE is a high-level training programme in development economics which aims to build capacity in economics and economic policy-making. The course is run for two weeks and consists of lectures and seminars taught by leading international and African economists.  This call is directed at talented economists, policymakers, academics and civil society activists who, if selected, will be fully funded to participate in the course.  Applications will close on Friday 10th May 2024. Register here
The TIPS Development Dialogue on green hydrogen and industrial policy was held on 13 March. Information about the dialogue and speakers, as well as a video recording and copies of the presentations are available here.  
The TIPS Development Dialogue on the transition to electric vehicles was on 5 February. Information about the dialogue and speakers, as well as a video recording and copies of the presentations are available here.   
TIPS has two internships for a recently or about to graduate Master's student. The internship aims to give young researchers the opportunity to acquire work experience, improve their research skills and enhance their understanding of the South African economy. The internship is for 12 months. Applications close February 16. For details go to internships. 
Are you an eager learner, creative thinker with a passion for digital strategy? Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies  is looking for a Communications Intern. Deadline: 26 January 2024. More information and details of how to apply available here.  
The TIPS Development Dialogue on building a local battery industry was held on Wednesday 18 October. Information about the dialogue and speakers, as well as a video recording and copies of the research and presentations are available here.   
The TIPS Development Dialogue on services and industrial policy was held on Tuesday 3 October. Information about the dialogue and speakers, as well as copies of the recording and presentations are available here.   
The seventeenth edition of APORDE took place in September. The programme included three public seminars, both in person and online, including the Annual Alice Amsden Memorial Lecture. If you missed them you can watch them here: APORDE public seminars. APORDE 2024 - Call for Participants APORDE is a high-level training programme in development economics which aims to build capacity in economics and economic policy-making. The course is run for two weeks and consists of lectures and seminars taught by leading international and African economists.  This call is directed at talented economists, policy makers, academics and civil society activists who, if selected, will…
15 September 2023

TIPS Forum 2023

TIPS hosted its Annual Forum 2023 in August on the theme Industrial Policy in an era of global structural change: Implications for Southern Africa. Copies of the papers and presentations available here. If you missed the sessions you can watch the recordings here: TIPS Forum 2023 videos. TIPS FORUM 2024 - CALL FOR PAPERS Small Business, Inclusive Growth, and Industrial Policy in South Africa30-31 July 2024 Find out more or submit your paper >>>
The TIPS Development Dialogue on Localisation: When does it make sense? was held on Tuesday 29 August. The main speakers were Neva Makgetla (TIPS), Nokwwanda Maseko (TIPS) and Dr Tebogo Makube (the dtic). Information about the dialogue and speakers as well a copy of the video recording, the presentations and research available here   
The Development Dialogue on The implications of Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) was held on Tuesday 25 July 2023. More information as well as copies of the video recording and presentation are available here. 
If you missed the TIPS Development Dialogue: Small business in the economy, held June 1, you can find the presentations and watch the video here. 
TIPS is looking for four economists for the Just Transition to a Decarbonised Economy for South Africa (JUST SA) project: Senior Economist Level 1 (Finance), Senior Economist Level 1, Economist Level 2 and Economist Level 1. Closing date for applications 23 June 2023. For more information and details of how to apply go to Vacancies.
The May TIPS newsletter reports on some of our recent projects, including the latest editions of the REB State of Small Business and Provincial Review, the Black Intustrialists Case Studies, the Annual Forum and APORDE, with links to research and policy briefs. Read here.
03 January 2023

TIPS Forum 2023

TIPS will host its Annual Forum on Tuesday and Wednesday, 1-2 August 2023. The theme is Industrial Policy in an era of global structural change: Implications for Southern Africa. For more information and to register go to TIPS Forum 2023. TIPS FORUM 2024 - CALL FOR PAPERS Small Business, Inclusive Growth, and Industrial Policy in South Africa30-31 July 2024 Find out more or submit your paper >>>
This new TIPS publication tracks South Africa's progress towards an inclusive green economy with 14 national indicators to understand the country's path to transition. Read here: Green Economy Bulletin 2022
TIPS on behalf of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition invites interested service providers to submit proposals to conduct research on the feasibility of the promotion of the use of timber in construction. feasibility study will inform the development of a strategy that enhance the use of timber in house and building constructions. The project will be carried out over 18 months. Closing date for proposal: 10 October 2022 at 16h00. Proposals should be sent to TIPS for the attention of Daphney Mabuza Click for more information. Download ToR here.
The sixteenth edition of APORDE took place in Pretoria (South Africa) in September 2022. The programme included five public seminars, both in person and online, including the Annual Alice Amsden Memorial Lecture. See
TIPS, in partnership with the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI), University of Johannesburg, and UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT), and in association with the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, held its 2022 Annual Forum on the theme Towards a Just Transition: The Role of Industrial Policy. Presentations are available here.  Recordings of the sessions are on the TIPS Forum YouTube channel:  
This anniversary publication celebrates and reflects on TIPS and its 25-year history. TIPS, like the country, has evolved significantly over the past 25 years. The publication covers the organisation's journey, the people involved over the years, as well as its current role and future challenges, with messages from board members and staff. Read online @: Download a copy @:
TIPS has established a Project Management Unit to support government and industry in realising the objectives of the Sector Master Plans. TIPS is looking for a Project Management Unit Head. Closing date: 17 June 2022. See link for details and how to apply.
TIPS is establishing a Project Management Unit to support government and industry in realising the objectives of the Sector Master Plans. TIPS is seeking a full-time Senior Project Manager for the steel sector, to join as a member of the unit on a 24-month contract. Closing date: 30 May 2022. See link for details and how to apply.
The Industrial Policy for Policy Makers (IPPM) 2022 training programme will take place from 5-9 September, alongside the annual APORDE programme. This year's theme is Green Agricultural and Industrial Development in Africa. IPPM is aimed at senior government officials from across Africa and will be held in Pretoria, South Africa. Applications close on 22 July 2022. More more information and the application for go to: IPPM 2022.
23 May 2022


The 2022 TIPS Forum will be held in a hybrid format allowing for both in-person and virtual participation. The in-person event will be held at 
We are pleased to announce that the sixteenth edition of the African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE) will take place from 5-16 September 2022. The call for applications is open. Closing date: 17 May 2022. For details of the programme and the application process go to APORDE 2022.
TIPS will host its Annual Forum on Monday and Tuesday, 1-2 August 2022. Forum theme: Towards a Just Transition: The Role of Industrial Policy. Call for papers is open. Deadline: 13 May 2022. Details here: . Contact:
The African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (Aporde) and the DSI/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI Industrial Development) are delighted to announce the second Thandika Mkandawire Prize for Outstanding Scholarship in African Political Economy and Economic Development. This prize is to be awarded annually to recognise outstanding research papers of the highest quality by African scholars. A second award, the Thandika Mkandawire Prize for Young Scholars in African Political Economy and Economic Development, is specifically for young researchers. Submissions close 22 May 2022. For more information and how to apply go to Thandika Mkandawire Prize
TIPS on behalf of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition in partnership with the Medical Device Manufacturers, the South African Medical Device Industry Association and the South African Laboratory and Diagnostics Association seeks the services of independent consultants with extensive and proven experience and knowledge of the South African medical device industry, its participants, and the South African industrial policy environment, to facilitate the development of the medical devices industry Master Plan. Closing Date:3 June 2022. Proposals should be sent to TIPS for the attention of Daphney Mabuza Click for more information. Download ToR here.
TIPS will host its Annual Forum on Monday and Tuesday, 1-2 August 2022. The theme is Towards a Just Transition: The Role of Industrial Policy. The call for papers is open. Deadline: 29 April 2022. See link for more information. 
TIPS is looking for a Project Coordinator. TIPS Project Coordinators are assigned a group of projects for which they provide support to the research manager and research team. The position is based in Pretoria, Gauteng. Applications close on 15 April 2022. For more information about the position and how to apply go to vacancies.         
TIPS, in collaboration with Green Economy Coalition, is hosting the second of four Green Recovery Dialogues webinars: Unpacking South Africa's Road to Building Back Better, Fairer and Greener - The EU’s Green New Deal and its implications for South Africa. Wednesday 6 April 10:00. Register online: . 
Download the report here: Watch the video here:
The bulletin is a review of quarterly trends, developments and data in the real economy, covering the GDP, employment, international trade, investment, and foreign direct investment.The Real Economy Bulletin - First Quarter 2022.
People's Voices: Key priorities and challenges for a Just Transition in Emalahleni and Steve Tshwete: How can the public participation of workers and communities be improved in South Africa's coal transition? This third event in the series was held on 30 November 2021. For a copy of the recording and presentation click here. 
The TIPS Development Dialogue seminar on The Just Transition: Insights into the Financial Roadmap was held on Thursday, 25 November 2021. To view the recording of the webinar and get copies of the presentations go to Development Dialogue. 
The TIPS Development Dialogue seminar on Quality Infrastructure and Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery provided an overview of the importance of Quality Infrastructure in industrial development, and looked at international experiences and the role of these institutions. The recording of the seminar and copies of the presentations are available here. 
Lecture title: Structural Dynamics and Industrial Policies. Speaker: José Antonio Ocampo. Wednesday 8 September. To watch a recording of the lecture or get a copy of the presentation go to Alice Amsden Memorial Lecture.
WEBINAR RECORDING: TIPS and the National Labour and Economic Institute (NALEDI), supported by groundWork, hosted this Webinar on Thursday, 26 August 2021. A copy of the recording is available here .
28 July 2021

TIPS Annual Forum

Download programme: TIPS Forum 2021 Programme Download presentations: Presentations and papers Video recordings of the Forum sessions: TIPS YouTube Media release: Rethinking inclusive industrialisation in response to COVID-19
This handbook by Faizel Ismail is intended to provide negotiators, policymakers and other stakeholders with an overview of the theory and implementation of the AfCFTA and regional integration in Africa, and to raise questions that could facilitate discussion and dialogue by stakeholders at the country, Regional Economic Community and African Union levels. Download a copy. 
The Import Tracker is a quarterly analysis of import trends. It provides an overview of import patterns and look at the causes of surges in manufacturing imports, and their likely impact on industry. Quarter 4, 2020 is now available. Import Tracker Q4 2020.
Webinar on Unravelling South Africa’s Just Transition: Unpacking sectroal interventions for Mpumalanga. 24 March 2021. Webinar recording and presentations available here. 
The bulletin is a review of quarterly trends, developments and data in the real economy, together with analysis of the main manufacturing industries. Briefing note in this issue is on South Africa's emerging recovery strategy. The Real Economy Bulletin - Fourth Quarter 2020.
Professor Faizel Ismail is the Director at the Mandela School of Public Governance at the University of Cape Town and a TIPS Research Fellow. His book provides a critical analysis of the US-led reform proposals and builds a discourse around an alternative set of principles for the multilateral trading system based on fairness, solidarity, social justice, inclusiveness, and sustainability. Published by South Centre with support from TIPS, download here.
APORDE virtual seminars cover a range of topics on economic development in Africa. The seminars brought together a range of speakers who have been researching and working on economic development. The seminars include discussion on the impact of COVID-19 and responses to the pandemic, which will have a long-term impact on Africa’s growth trajectory. See APORDE seminars for presentations and recordings of Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
TIPS Tracker on the economy and the pandemic highlights important trends in the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa, and how they affect the economy. This issue also looks at the challenges facing the auto and music industries. See 21 September - 4 October 2020.
The bulletin is a review of quarterly trends, developments and data in the real economy, together with analysis of the main manufacturing industries. Briefing notes in this issue are on The 2019 budget and industrialisation; and Unlocking the potential of renewable energy for public sector and communities. See The Real Economy Bulletin - Second Quarter 2020.
The Import Tracker is a quarterly analysis of import trends. It provides an overview of import patterns and look at the causes of surges in manufacturing imports, and their likely impact on industry. Quarter 4, 2018 is now available. Import Tracker Q4 2018
TIPS training programme for 2019 includes Trade Policy and Practice; Value Chain Strategies; Industrial Policy for South Africa; Macroeconomics for Policymakers; and the Green Economy and Industrial Policy. For more go to Training Workshops.
The second edition of the State of Small Business published by TIPS includes a review of trends in small business according to national data, and two briefing notes look at learnings from efforts to support small business in South Africa from Kate Philip’s new book, Markets on the Margins, and a summary of the main initiatives for small business in the Job Summit Framework Agreement. Read here.
The TIPS Forum 2019 will be held in Johannesburg on 30-31 May 2019. The theme is Innovation and Industrialisation. Those wishing to contribute papers are invited to submit their title and abstracts of up to 500 words. Deadline for submissions is 1 March 2019. For more information go to
21 November 2018

TIPS FDI Tracker

The TIPS FDI Tracker monitors inward foreign direct investment projects. Quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2018 are now available online. See FDI Tracker.
TIPS hosted a Development Dialogue on Education and skills for the economy on November 19. Speakers were Brian Levy (UCT) and Carmel Marock (Singizi). For copies of the presentations go to Development Dialogue.
TIPS and the Government of Flanders are hosted a Roundtable on Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaption Space on Tuesday, November 20. Venue: IDC Auditorium, 19 Fredman Drive, Sandton, Johannesburg. For details of how to register go to Roundtable.
TIPS hosted a Development Dialogue on the Continental Free Trade Agreement and industrialisation on Wednesday, October 17. Speakers were Carlos Lopes (UCT) and Faizel Ismail (TIPS and UCT). For more information and a copy of the presentation go do Development Dialogue.
TIPS and the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) hosted a Development Dialogue on the Circular Economy and Industrial Development on  September 7. For copies of the presentations go to Development Dialogue. 
30 August 2018

Vacancy: Internship

TIPS has one internship available for a recently or about to graduate Master's student. The aim of the internship is to give young researchers the opportunity to acquire work experience, improve their research skills and enhance their understanding of the South African economy. The internship is for 12 months. Applications close on November 18. For more information go to internships. 
TIPS and the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) hosted a Development Dialogue on Water and Industrial Development. For more information and copies of the presentations  go to Development Dialogue. 
TIPS and Global Economic Governance Africa hosted a Development Dialogue on Borders in Southern Africa - Unlocking an Economic Development Opportunity. For more information and copies of the presentations  go to Development Dialogue. 
The bulletin is a review of quarterly trends, developments and data in the real economy, together with analysis of the main manufacturing industries. Additional notes in this issue are on Challenges around the GDP data for the first quarter 2018, Map to a Million - what's the map to a million about? and Desalination - panacea of peril for South Africa? See The Real Economy Bulletin - First Quarter 2018.
This Development Dialogue seminar considered different aspects of the corporate landscape and its impact on the economy. For more information and copies of presentations go to Corporate ownership in South Africa. 
The Manufacturing Circle Investment Tracker (MCIT) is a quarterly index tracking investment spending in the manufacturing sector. Findings for Q4 2017 are now available.  See MCIT Q4 2017. Or read online.
31 January 2018

Vacancy: Internship

TIPS is offering an intern position for six months starting in August 2019. This is open to recently or about to graduate Master's students. Closing date for applications is 7 June 2019. For more about the position and how to apply see Intern Position.
TIPS and the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) hosted a Development Dialogue on Electricy Beyond the Grid on February 22. For more information and copies of the presentations go to Development Dialogue. Presenters: Gaylor Montmasson-Clair and Bhavna Deonarain (TIPS); Louise Scholtz (WWF-SA);Tasneem Essop (representing EDI); Julie Wells and Ndivhuho Raphulu (NCPC-SA)Julie Wells
The first TIPS Development Dialogue seminar of the year on Urbanisation and Industrialisation was held on Thursday 18 January. For more information and copies of the presentations go to Development Dialogue. Presenters: Shirley Robinson and Roland Hunter (Cities Support Programme), Christopher Wood and Asanda Fotoyi (TIPS), Rob Davies (representing IFPRI) and  Neva Makgetla and Mbongeni Ndlovu (TIPS).
TIPS Annual Forum 2018 will be held on June 6-7 in Johannesburg. The theme is Finance and Industrial Development. People wishing to contribute papers are invited to submit their title and abstracts of up to 500 words. The closing date for submissions is 31 January 2018. For details on how to make a submission and the focus of the topics see Tips Forum 2018.
This TIPS Development Dialogue Colloquium was held in Pretoria on 24 October 2017. For more information and copies of the presentations go to Development Dialogue. 
This edition of The Real Economy Bulletin reviews the state of small business in South Africa and its evolution over the past decade. It also looks at proposals around the definition of small business and regulatory obstacles and burdens arising from national legislation. To download a copy go The state of small business in South Africa.
The theme of the TIPS Annual Forum 2017 was Industrialisation and Sustainable Growth - see View programme: Annual Forum 2017 Programme. View Photo Gallery. Get copies of the papers and presentations.
The latest TIPS newsletter reports on some of our recent projects, including the latest editions of the REB State of Small Business and Provincial Review, the Black Intustrialists Case Studies, the Annual Forum and APORDE, with links to recent research and policy briefs. Read more here.