
Trade data analysis tool

The first set of templates contains easy-to-follow steps which illustrates the processes and objectives of calculating the following trade and tariff indicators:

  1. Import Intensity Indexes
  2. Export Intensity Indexes
  3. Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA)
  4. Revealed Trade Barriers (RTB)
  5. Intra Industry Trade Indexes and
  6. Tariff Data Profiles

These templates are efficient in that they progressively display and examine the steps in calculating the different indicators. They serve as a practical capacity building tool where users can replicate the steps in their own calculations.

To access the basic templates CLICK HERE.

The second, more advanced, set of indicators differs from the first set in that these templates are fully formulated to produce formatted answers for each indicator. That is to say, the second set of templates not only describe the methods of calculating, but have already been programmed with final results for the 13* SADC countries.

The second set of templates include:

  1. Growth & Share measures, including the standard revealed comparative advantage measure
  2. Market diversification measures according to the Hirfindahl and Weighted Spread index
  3. Product diversification measures according to the Hirfindahl and Weighted Spread index
  4. Intra-industry trade measures (only for 2 digit HS aggregation)
  5. Trade Intensity measures
  6. Decomposition of change in global export share according to the International Trade Centre (ITC) approach.

The aim is modest in terms of capacity building by bringing selected trade performance measures to the attention of trade analysts in a learning by doing self-help style so that own applications can be considered.

To access the more advanced templates CLICK HERE.

*Templates are not available for Madagascar and the Seychelles

Read 16460 times Last modified on 03 November 2016