
TIPS Staff


  • Position Executive Director
Dr Saul Levin joined TIPS in April 2013 and was appointed Executive Director in December 2014.  He has a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Johannesburg, with his thesis on industrial financing. He has a Master’s and Honour’s Degree in Sociology as well as a BCom from the University of Witwatersrand. Saul was previously a chief director in the Economic Development Department (EDD) with oversight of the Development Finance Institutions reporting to EDD, including the Industrial Development Corporation and the Small Enterprise Finance Agency. As part of his responsibilities he oversaw the merger of the small business finance…

  • Position Senior Economist
Neva Makgetla has undertaken extensive research into South African economic issues, published widely, and contributed to a number of national economic policy processes and debates from 1994. Until 2015, she was Deputy Director General for economic policy in the Economic Development Department. Before that, she was Lead Economist for the Development Planning and Implementation Division at the Development Bank of Southern Africa. She has worked at a senior level in the Presidency and other government departments, and for seven years was head of the COSATU Policy Unit. She has a PhD in economics and before 1994 worked for over 10 years as an economics lecturer.

  • Position Senior Economist
Liako Mofo joined TIPS in July 2019.  She holds a Master’s Degree in Development Economics from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics and Economics  as well as a Certificate in Statistics, both from the National University of Lesotho. She has more than 16 years of experience in economic research, policy development and analysis, development of national strategic development plans, sector-specific investment plans and project cycle management in the public sector, and development in the regional and international context. Prior to joining TIPS, she served as an Economist at the Lesotho Millennium Development Agency (LMDA)…

  • Position Senior Economist: Sustainable Development
Muhammed Patel joined TIPS in 2017. He holds a Masters in Economics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where his thesis focused on the relationship between income and health in South Africa. Muhammed’s background spans work in industrial development, and competition and regulatory economics. While completing his Master’s degree, Muhammed worked as a junior researcher at the School of Development Studies conducting research on the manufacturing sector of eThekwini. He also lectured undergraduate economics students over this time. In 2015, Muhammed joined competition and regulatory consultancy Genesis Analytics, where he spent two years working on competition and regulation cases. Notably, his…

  • Position Senior Economist
Nokwanda Maseko is a Senior Economist at TIPS. Her work at TIPS is at the intersection of industrial policy, gender and the just transition. Her recent publications include an analysis of the petroleum-based transport value chain for the Sector Jobs Resilience plans and technical reports for the Presidential Climate Change Commission on gender and inequality in the just transition. Before joining TIPS, she worked as a Budget Analyst at the National Treasury and Assistant Director at the national Economic Development Department (EDD) focused on industrial policy.

  • Position Senior Economist
Gillian Chigumira joined TIPS in 2014. She has a Masters in Commerce – Development Theory and Policy. She has an Honours in Commerce, an Honours in International Relations and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Anthropology from the University of the Witwatersrand. Gillian has more than eight-and-a half years of experience as an economist, policy advisor and strategy analyst in the field of industrial development and inclusive economic growth for South Africa and the greater SADC Region. Her work fundamentally targets research and policy development for government departments, regional and international organisations. Her expertise cuts across national masterplans…

  • Position Senior Economist
Lesego Moshikaro-Amani joined TIPS in July 2019. Lesego earned a Master’s degree in Economics specialising in Development Economics from the University of Cape Town (UCT). Prior to joining TIPS, Lesego worked as a Crisis Response Fund (CRF) researcher and data analyst at CIVICUS and as a graduate research assistant at the Land Restitution Evaluation Study (LRES), launched by SALDRU.  Her expertise lies in industrial policy, battery energy storage value chains and the emerging sector of new energy vehicles (NEVs) in South Africa, including a strong emphasis on skill development within the NEV industry. Other areas of focus include skills development…

  • Position Senior Economist: Sustainable Development
Gaylor Montmasson-Clair is a Senior Economist at Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS). He leads TIPS's work on sustainability and just transition. He is the Facilitator for the South African Renewable Energy Masterplan (SAREM), the industrialisation plan for South Africa’s renewable energy value chain. Gaylor is also a Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg’s Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED). He holds two Master’s degrees, respectively in International Affairs from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) of Grenoble, France, and in Energy and Environment Economics from the Grenoble Faculty of Economics, France. Gaylor has been working on…

  • Position Communications Officer
Nondwe Majundana is a communications and marketing professional, with several years’ corporate experience in communications, public relations, and event management. Her previous roles include Communications Associate at the USAID Southern Africa Trade and Investment Hub,  where she focused on capacity building, providing strategic public relations and communications guidance. She created all the content for the Hub to increase international competitiveness, intra-regional trade, and food security in Southern Africa. She joins TIPS as Communications Officer to develop its communications strategy, ensure its communications goals align with activity plans, and increase visibility and marketing of the organisation’s communication products. Nondwe has a…

  • Position Researcher: Sustainable Development
Elize Hattingh joined TIPS in November 2020 as a Researcher: Sustainable Growth. She has a Master’s Degree  in Sustainable Development and Management from Stellenbosch University’s School of Public Leadership in partnership with the Sustainability Institute. Elize has been actively involved in promoting the sustainable development agenda for more than 15 years. Research work included a Future Fit Career Guide for University of Stellenbosch Business School during 2017. Her work at Fetola as Head of Business Development included research for seda and DSBD to develop a BDS and Incubator EcoSystem Map for South Africa (2018-2020). Her work in circular economy and…

  • Position Economist: Sustainable Development
Seutame Maimele is an Economist: Sustainable Growth at Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS). His work focuses on global climate change policies and trade, designing climate compatible value chains for carbon-intensive industries for South Africa and Africa. He also works extensively on the just transition in South Africa. He holds a Master's degree in Local Economic Development from the University of Johannesburg. Prior to joining TIPS, Seutame worked at the Western Cape Government (WCG) and for OneWorld Sustainable Investment (OneWorld). At WCG, he supported the drafting of the economic recovery plan for the Western Cape Province post COVID-19, as well…

  • Position Economist: Sustainable Development
Michael Hector holds a PhD in Political Science from Stellenbosch University, where his research focussed on the green economy and environmental governance in South Africa. Specifically, his thesis studied the use of ecological modernisation and market mechanisms (and the implementation thereof) in South Africa’s environmental and waste management policies. Following his Phd, Michael did a short post-doc at Stellenbosch University (Department of Political Science), while lecturing Global Political Economy and Foreign Policy. 

  • Position Economist
Luthandolwethu Zondi joined TIPS as an Economist in October 2023. Prior to this, she served as a Junior Researcher at the Centre for Science, Technology, and Innovation Indicators (CeSTII), where her focus was on conducting survey research related to Science, Technology, and Innovation. With an MPhil in Development Finance (Cum Laude) from the University of Stellenbosch Business School, Luthando's areas of expertise include inclusive economic development, financial inclusion, and sustainable development.

  • Position Economist
Danae Govender joined TIPS as an Economist in September 2024. He holds a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where his dissertation examined the impact of trade openness on economic growth and the role of good institutions within this nexus, focusing on a panel of emerging market economies. During his postgraduate studies, Danae excelled, earning Certificates of Merit for Honours courses in Econometrics, Microeconomics, and Environmental Economics, as well as for Master’s courses in Econometrics and Sustainable Resource Usage. He is also a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, having been invited in 2019. Prior…

  • Position Economist
Lucas Mthembu is a Researcher at TIPS. His research interests include industrial policy, global value chains, and socioeconomic development. He holds a Bachelor of Social Science in Social Development and Industrial Sociology and a BSocSc Honours in Social Development from the University of Cape Town. He is completing a Master's in Social Development at UCT. His dissertation explores the experiences of South African youth seeking investment opportunities through Easy Equities and contributions to their socioeconomic inclusion. 

  • Position Assistant Researcher
Kelello Mashiane is assisting with the Foreign Direct Investment Project. She has a bachelor’s degree from UNISA and two years' work experience as a research assistant at the Economic Development Department. She worked on several data collection projects at EDD and provided research support to the Chief Economist.

  • Position Project Coordinator
Daphney joined TIPS in November 2013. She holds a Diploma in Business Management and Administration and a Diploma in Business Computing. She has 13 years' working experience in administration including project administration and logistics management. Before joining TIPS she was at Cheadle Thompson & Hayom as the project administrator providing support for Land Tenure. She was also with the University of Pretoria Trust as an administrator at the business development unit, responsible for the management and development of new business and administration of the Intellectual Property projects.

  • Position Project and Events Coordinator
Rozale Sewduth joined TIPS in 2010. Her portfolio at TIPS includes organising events and conferences and she co-ordinates the TIPS training workshop programme. She was involved with providing administrative support to the Community Work Programme (CWP) during the handover period from TIPS to the Department of Cooperative Governance and was part of the team that designed and implemented the TIPS Geographical Information System (GIS) community mapping tool. Rozale has more than 10 years' working experience. Her core capabilities are project coordination, contract management, customer relations, staff supervision, office management and personal assistant duties. She has extensive experience in managing events…

  • Position Project Coordinator
Natasha joined TIPS in February 2013 as a Project Coordinator. She holds a Diploma in Office Administration and Personal Assistant, a Diploma in Business Computing and has a certificate in Project Management. She has over 13 years’ experience in administration including project administration and coordination, logistics management, contract management, customer relations, staff supervision, office management and operations, and personal assistant duties at both local and international level. She has extensive experience in office operations and managing conferences at a national and international level. Before joining TIPS she was employed at CIDA (Canadian High Commission Funded) and she was also with the City…

  • Position Project Coordinator
Lesego joins TIPS as a Project Coordinator. She is an international development professional with over five years experience in donor funded programmes. Her experience includes providing support in the technical implementation economic growth projects. Throughout the years, she has gained extensive experience in providing administrative, procurement, financial and logistical coordination support. She currently holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in International Relations and Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSci) in International Relations and Public Policy and Administration from the University of Cape Town. 

  • Position Receptionist/Office Administrator
Ipeleng Motau joined TIPS in 2015. She has a Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship. She completed a facilitation course followed by a Business Development course with the University of Pretoria in 2013. She started working as a voluntary administrator and programme assistance for a community development NGO known as Angels of Glory and then became an administrator.

  • Position Office Assistant
Emily joined TIPS in 2004 and is responsible for office assistance and maintenance. She has two years' general secretarial experience and has completed a number of computer software courses, including Microsoft Word and Excel.