
Past Projects

Trade and Industry

Industrial policy forms the core of TIPS’s work. In this context, TIPS supports the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), the Departmenet of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME), the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and several other departments and stakeholders with targeted studies to support policy development for industrial and trade policy as well as manufacturing growth.

TIPS undertakes research, among others, into national and regional sectors, value chains and clusters; the impact of state and private institutions on manufacturing  growth and diversification; the barriers to entry to small and medium enterprise in manufacturing; the extent and nature of innovation; and the impact of manufacturing on broader economic growth and development, income distribution and job creation.

Trade research has also been an important research area of TIPS since its establishment.  TIPS has looked at many different aspects of international trade, including country studies, trade policy, export development and the relationship between trade and industrial policy. 

See research archive

This paper argues that adopting a “developmental regionalism” approach to trade integration provides the best prospects for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to catalyse the process of transformative industrial development, cross-border investment and democracy, governance, peace and security…
This research report is focused on the healthcare sector in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ), in particular the medical devices sector and delves deeper to understand the problems faced by the sector and what would be required to leverage the…
This research report aims to identify opportunities to develop the regional value chain in agricultural inputs, and the opportunities within that value chain for regional trade. It also aims to detail policy initiatives to be undertaken by the South African…
The energy landscape in Southern Africa has been rapidly evolving over the last decades. An economy-wide transition to sustainability is underway, with energy at its core. In addition, a progressive movement of regional integration with numerous energy-related initiatives is taking…
This study provides an overview and analysis of the structure, key functions and characteristics of the forestry value chain operating in and among South Africa, Mozambique and Tanzania in order to identify market opportunities and the interventions required to support…
Technical regulations refer to standards and compulsory specifications that apply to certain products and processes, and which can play an important role in regional trade. Firms that wish to trade in value chains need to be able to comply with…
The paper begins with a broad contextual overview of the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC’s) transport and logistics performance in terms of the Logistics Performance Index and tracks the performance of individual member states in the decade from 2007. Two…
The current electricity model incorporates a paradox in which continual increases in price contribute to falling demand, which in turn leads to higher unit costs and prices. In this context, high levels of capital expenditure by Eskom have become a…
The paper considers new heterodox theoretical contributions to the industrial policy debate in developing countries. Specifically it focuses on the challenge of “getting industrial policy right in circumstances where the country is run by flawed leaders presiding over a politically…
This paper reviews the state of play of the African regional integration agenda, inspired by the vision of the Abuja Treaty and Agenda 2063. It argues that the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) negotiators should adopt a “development integration” approach…
This working paper presents an analysis of the dominant and growing agri-food system in South Africa, focusing on power and governance as two key factors that critically influence system outcomes. Current approaches towards agricultural development (including food security) tend to…
Potential of the citrus, table grape and subtropical fruit sectors and Opportunities for strategic interventions in support of agro-industrial production Given the high levels of unemployment in the rural areas of South Africa this research explored the citrus, table grape…
This research project looked at the potential for the development of the Nigerian automotive sector as part of their diversification away from oil. While many constraints exist there is potential, a history of domestic manufacturing and significant market size to…
Since the launch of the APDP there has been significant changes to the global economy, which has impacted on the automotive sector as well as the production incentive. A review was undertaken to better understand how the incentive has been…
This research project explored the intended outcomes of the 2007 National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) and assessed some of the progress (and unintended consequences) achieved in implementing the Industrial Policy Action Plan since 2008. (2015). See policy brief.
This research analysed the types of intellectual property and the impact by sector and type of enterprise on investment, production and employment. It looked at the legal and other obstacles to innovation in South Africa with a number of case…
18 December 2015

Mining Phakisa

The Mining Phakisa was a South African government initiative led by the Presidency based on a “quick, fast results” methodology developed initially in Malaysia that brings together all stakeholders in the industry into a “lab” with the aim of identifying…
17 December 2015

Trade Mispricing

Tax revenue that governments generate from foreign investors is a crucial component of the income streams required to promote socio-economic growth and development. However because of Trade Mispricing there is no guarantee that foreign direct investment (FDI) and international trade…
TIPS was commissioned to provide research on South Africa’s industrial policy and industrialisation as part of a SADC strategy on regional economic growth and regional integration (2015)
TIPS undertook an evaluation of the DST’s Framework for Centres of Competence (CoC) in South Africa. The research looked at the importance of collaboration between the public sector, science council/universities and the private sector to encourage innovations and new technology.…
23 December 2014

Regional value chains

TIPS, in partnership with CCRED at the University of Johannesburg, CSID at the University of the Witwatersrand, UNZA in Zambia and AIAS in Zimbabwe undertook a four country study looking at the soya, infrastructure and capital equipment value chains. (2014-2015)
This study looked at the strategic use of technical regulations enforcement and other supportive interventions in supporting consumer protection and quality manufacturing (2013-2014). See Policy Brief
A review of trade trends between South Africa and Indonesia and a road map to future bilateral relations. (2014)
TIPS undertook several sectors studies for the department of trade and industry (the dti) to assist with inputs into the Industrial Policy Action Plan. The sector studies look at a number of data points (i.e. trade, production, employment, etc) in…
Special economic zones (SEZs) emerged internationally as a policy to support industrial development in particular by providing for the introduction of targeted incentives and infrastructure. Internationally, despite their name, they are often effectively delinked from specific geographic areas in order…
The Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme (REIPPP) was established to encourage new entry into the market. The Regulatory Entities Capacity Building project review of the renewable energy sector includes: Assessing the problems and difficulties in implementing South Africa's first…
The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) is the regulatory authority established in terms of the National Energy Regulator Act, 2004.  The Regulatory Entities Capacity Building project will provide a comprehensive review of the regulators' role, linked with the policy…
The South African Ports Regulator, established in terms of the National Ports Act 12 of 2005 is a relatively new institution. Time taken to establish the institution has meant it has only recently begun to be effective. Over the past three…
TIPS assisted with undertaking background research for the National Export Strategy and the National Investment Promotion Strategy. The projects included research, surveys as well as stakeholder engagements and consultations. (2013)
14 December 2013

Economic Regulation

Review of the regulation in the ports, electricity supply industry and renewable industry – Project: Regulatory Entities Capacity Building: Review of Regulators Orientation and Performance Client: Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg Duration: 2013-2014 - to…
Ports Regulation: Are we achieving the objectives of the Ports Act? Comparisons with Ports Regulators from India, Australia and elsewhere (19 November 2013). Presentation by Dr Sheila Farrell, Imperial College London:
Project: Benefits of AGOA to South Africa Client: Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) Duration: 2012-2013 TIPS assisted the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) to carry out a study into the benefits that have accrued to South Africa as…
TIPS partnered with the South African Competition Commission to initially establish the African Competition Forum capacity building programme in which 41 countries participate. (2012-2014).
Intra-Industry trade (henceforth IIT) has generally been perceived to be a feature of the industrialized countries. As the past few years have seen a rapid increase in Zambia's trade with its trading partners in the SADC, trade statistics reveal that…
For South Africa, the promotion of small businesses remains key to creating jobs and a more equitable economy. Evidence from Chile and Malaysia – both countries with similar emerging economies as South Africa – reveals that by partnering to provide…
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It provides an overview of key issues in global industrial policy literature. It begins with a brief examination of the link…
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It looks at three examples of regional integration: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Union and Mercosur. The…
The absence of growth in intra-SADC trade in industrial products since the tariff phase-downs were initiated prompted by the ratification of the SADC Protocol on Trade in 2000 continues to generate interest amongst policymakers and other stakeholders as it appears…
This paper models tourist arrivals into Mauritius from various parts of the world with a view to understand the contribution of different determinants in explaining the success of the island as an international tourism destination. A dual methodological approach was…
For many of the African states, negotiations to liberalise trade in services is a relatively new phenomenon. For the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member states, the only experience acquired on this subject was during multilateral negotiations in the context…
Evidence based policy making is critical for developing sound and relevant government policies. The process of evidence based policy making by definition allows one to monitor specific variables to determine the efficacy of a government intervention. Accurate data and sound…
This note highlights the pattern of South Africa, European Union and Asia trade over the period 1990-2009. The note pays particular attention to trade flow changes between South Africa and the EU and compares these to the changes in the…
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First it is to review Botswana's competitiveness policy in the 10th National Development Plan, (NDP10 -2009-2016), National Export Strategy (2010-2016) and what are its conceptual foundations in the works of Michael Porter (1990).…
In its efforts to craft a new economic growth path and assist small businesses, South Africa could do well to look to emerging economies such as Brazil and India, which have attracted much attention in their recent efforts to create…
15 December 2010

15 Year Review - Trade

South Africa's trade policy has undergone much change as the country approaches its second decade of democracy. In particular, of more recent interest on the global sphere, and hence on the domestic front, have been the trade issues du jour,…
This report takes a closer look at the trade and the trade agreements between South Africa and its free trade agreement (FTA) partners. Although the pace of unilateral trade reform has slowed, trade liberalisation has occurred through the negotiation of…
Increasingly natural capital is becoming the limiting factor in economic activity. Terms such as sustainable growth and green economy have been used to describe an economic growth path that does not lead to the destruction of the environment. Governments have…
This report reviews the performance of the South Africa's agricultural sector over the past 15 years; with special emphasis on the period 2004-2007 and identifies the main agricultural policies and support instruments introduced since 1994. The report also assesses their…
This paper examines the pattern of trade between IBSA countries for the period 2001-2008. We find that trade between the countries has been on the increase. After the IBSA initiative was established in 2003, each country recorded a significant growth…
This study seeks to model the effects of trade on employment in South Africa in a Labour Demand framework. The study uses aggregated data, as opposed to a number of studies that have used either factor content or growth accounting…
TIPS undertook several sectors studies for the department of trade and industry (the dti) to assist with inputs into the Industrial Policy Action Plan. The sector studies look at a number of data points (i.e. trade, production, employment, etc) in…
There is an increased recognition that actions to address climate change and the environment are intimately linked to economic growth and sustainable development goals and needs. Actions to promote increased resilience to climate change impacts and a lower greenhouse gas…
Trade patterns change as a result of the international specialisation of production and the increased integration of world markets. This is especially evident in small open economies such as the countries that make up the SADC region. In 2000, the share…
Information on the impact of immigration on a host country's trade with particular reference to the African continent and the SADC region remains scant, if indeed it is ever available. This study seeks to fill this gap with an analysis…
Member countries of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) engaged in a number of bilateral trade liberalisation agreements and initiatives from as way back as the 1950s, the main objective being to increase bilateral trade flows through deeper opening and…
This paper proposes that non-temporary circular migration creates and sustains 'circular migration flows', which are the outcome of the continuous interaction between sending and receiving countries that is created and sustained by migration and by transnational networks. Circular migration generates…
Maize is the most important staple cereal product consumed in the Southern African region. The purpose of this paper is to examine the origins of the global 2007/8 food price crisis and the impact this had on the trade in…
The paper has attempted to contribute to a key issue in the current debate on economic development: the link between trade and poverty. The paper focused on the impact of imported chickens on Zimbabwe's poultry industry. The general aim of…
Empirical studies on regional economic integration process in Africa exhibit sluggish progress and there by limited level of intra trade. The existing literatures in Africa, particularly in Southern African regional integration bloc, SADC have neglected effects of regional economic integration…
In the era of globalisation, there is widespread recognition that knowledge-based industries have become a significant contributor to economic growth and development. To be internationally competitive in a global economy requires the creation of distinctive assets such as knowledge, skills,…
The services sector is increasingly seen as a means to promote economic development and reduce poverty. It is becoming the largest sector, in terms of share of GDP and employment, in most developing countries. The services sector is highly diverse,…
Trade in services generally is viewed as a potentially viable option to contribute to the much needed economic diversification in Botswana. This study is informed by the ongoing policy discussions about the need to develop an educational hub in Botswana.…
This study focuses is on the movement of talent. There is already free movement of labour within the European Union and the CARICOM region, SADC aims to achieve this by 2015. We examine the Caribbean region where the Caricom regional…
In the era of globalisation, there is widespread recognition that knowledge-based industries have become a significant contributor to economic growth and development. To be internationally competitive in a global economy requires the creation of distinctive assets such as knowledge, skills,…
This paper employs a reduced form Solow Growth framework to investigate the role of public investment on infrastructure on economic performance for the case of Mauritius over the period 1970-2006. Given the non-stationary characteristics of the data, an error correction…
Given that the Southern African Development Community's (SADC) intention is to become a common market (CM) whereby labour and capital will be envisioned to freely move among the bloc's member states, the study investigates the extent to which the region…
Through the analysis of trends in South Africa's higher education enrollment of Southern African Development Community (SADC) citizens over the years, the study investigates the extent to which the country has strategically marketed its educational services and positioned itself as…
This study reviews the reforms undertaken in the financial sector with respect to regulation and access widening polices. The developments at the macro and micro level of the banking system are also assessed. Empirical analysis of the effects of financial…
A number of research organisations around the world have recently attempted to capture and explain the impacts that biofuel policies have on agricultural commodity markets. Previously, food price inflation has gone along with the general inflation trend but this has…
Significant reforms of the services sector have been conducted in Uganda since 1987, motivated, in part, by the common notion that efficiency in the provision of services can deliver productivity growth in all sectors of the economy, which in turn…
With the EU sugar reforms, the overall economic weight of the sugar sector has fallen. The sugar sector's contribution to GDP is now comparatively small, around 1.9% of GDP in 2008. In this context, the Mauritian government and the private…
This project was designed to explore small-scale mining activities in Erongo Region of Namibia. The main objective was to explore possible contributions of small-scale mining to poverty alleviation in Namibia. The study seeks to achieve three specific objectives, namely activities…
Tourism is increasing becoming an important phenomena for developing countries and as such it affects the livelihood of many poor people. According to Yunis (2004), tourism is growing much faster in developing countries than in developed countries. However, its potential…
About 70-75 percent of Botswana beef exports are consumed in the European Union (EU) beef market. In 1997, the EU introduced a directive which made it mandatory for beef exported to the EU to be identifiable and traceable from farm…
The focus of this article is on The SADC Trade Protocol aims for liberalization of all trade by 2012. Member countries have agreed to liberalize 85 percent of intra-SADC trade by 2008 and liberalize sensitive products by 2012. The article looks at whether SADC…
The Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN) was a broad-based policy and research network which aimed to increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the region and strengthen evidence-based policy-making. SADRN focused on two main themes: industrial policy and sector…
The Zambian economy has undergone profound reforms in the last two decades. It has transited to a market economy from the previously centrally planned economy. As part of the economy-wide reforms, the country's industrial and trade policies have also been…
The paper focuses on the conduct of trade and industrial policies in Malawi, their linkages and impacts on the performance of the trade and industry sectors. The study establishes that Malawi has gone through three stages of trade and industrial…
This paper looks at the nature and extent of linkages between trade and industrial policies in Zimbabwe. The paper establishes that the trade and industrial policies are interlinked in Zimbabwe. The study indicates that trade policy is one of the…
This paper aims to establish the links between the industrial policy and the trade policy in Botswana. The paper finds that after gaining independence the Botswana government has deliberately targeted industrialisation as a strategy to overcome the high concentration of economic…
This paper deals with informality and its transition to modernity. The transit to formalization will enable those working in the informal economy to improve their chances of being included, become less vulnerable, and ensure a better performance of their activities.…
This paper argues that perspectives characterizing the trajectory of China's economic reforms as “reversing course” are misleading by not recognizing the current stage of Chinese industrial development and the policy initiatives adopted to steer the country towards widely-stated national objectives.…
The heads of states of the Common Markets for East and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East Africa Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) met in Uganda in October 2008 to discuss broader objectives of the three regional…
Market selection methods, of which a vast number exist, are a critical tool in firms' and government's policy, planning and budgeting processes. To this end, the primary aim of this paper is to determine the international market selection method best-suited…
This paper highlights ten key features of the Developmental State (DS) growth model by contrasting trends in economic indicators and institutions between China (and East Asia more generally) and South Africa. In light of the recent (and perhaps politically opportunistic)…
TIPS was commissioned by FABCOS (The Foundation for African Business and Consumer Services) to undertake a study on the impact of fuel and food price increases on small business. As FABCOS has a large constituency of informal or previously informal…
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has been implementing the trade protocol for more than seven years. The aim is to liberalise trade flows between members and eventually lead to deeper integration in the region. As member states are preparing…
The research process underpinning this article was focused on casting some light on factors influencing the way in which developing countries can enhance linkages between Transnational Corporation (TNC) Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) firms and domestic small and medium enterprises (SMEs).…
In this report, the meaning of liberalisation in the air transport sector is discussed and the difference between deregulation and liberalisation is highlighted. Liberalisation entails a progressive opening up of a market with state control enacted over the process, while…
SAIIA and TIPS have collaborated on a project investigating balance of payment dynamics issues in South Africa. Professor Andreas Freytag, who has a Chair of Economic Policy at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena in Germany, has been working with SAIIA and the…
This paper uses as its point of departure the recent demise of the world's largest financial institutions that set in motion the current global financial crisis. These financial institutions look set to re-evaluate their model of global finance and it…
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