
External Journals

External Publications (25)

Small businesses are the engines of a fair and green economy. But they lack access to the finance they need to grow. A new report from the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) looks at the barriers that small business face. These include risky and informal money lending arrangements, high bars for accessing credit, regulatory…
Transforming Southern Africa: Harnessing regional value chains and industrial policy for development  Chaper 1: Regional value chains and industrialisation: The Southern African experience by Saul Levin and Neva Makgetla This technical report brings together a series of contributions from leading economists and experts on the challenges and the opportunities faced…
The current global health crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic has refocused our attention on the shortcomings of the TRIPS Agreement and the patent system in dealing with global health crises. This time around, developing countries must ensure that the TRIPS waiver succeeds in creating the momentum needed to build manufacturing…
Gaylor Montmasson-Clair (TIPS senior economist) and Bhavna Deonarain (TIPS researcher) have co-authored a chapter in the book Competition and Regulation for Inclusive Growth in Southern Africa, edited by Jonathan Klaaren, Simon Roberts and Imraan Valodia.  Dowload a copy of the chapter, or read it online at this link Regional Integration in Southern Africa: A Platform for…
Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies: Founders' Day Lecture Series - Guest lecture by Professor Faizel Ismail*  The Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (NIALS) Founders’ Day is an annual event which provides a platform for scholarly discourse and the exhibition of legal scholarship of outstanding academics. Over the years,…
Green Economy Coaliation Blog: South Africa's natural capital challenge For the full report, see Nature in South Africa’s Transition to Sustainability: A Stocktake.
Green Economy Coaliation Blog: Young, gifted and green in South Africa This article has been drawn from a policy brief, Using the green economy and youth inclusion for sustainable development in South Africa.
Sustainability Transitions in South Africa - Edited by Najma Mohamed     TIPS collaborates on book investigating South Africa’s progress in transitioning to a just and sustainable development pathway South Africa’s progress in transitioning to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and pro-employment development path is the focus of a book that brings together…
TIPS Senior Economist Neva Makgetla has a chapter on Inequality in South Africa in the New South African Review 6: The crisis of inequality. Essays in this volume demonstrate how the consequences of inequality extend throughout society, crippling the quest for social justice, polarising the politics, skewing economic outcomes and bringing…
Competition Law and Economic Regulation : Addressing Market Power in Southern Africa TIPS Senior Economist: Sustainable Growth Gaylor Montmasson-Clair has co-authored a chapter with Reena das Nair of the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) on South Africa’s renewable energy experience: Inclusive growth lessons in this volume of papers selected…
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