
TIPS FDI Tracker (24)

The quarterly FDI Tracker monitors inward foreign direct investment projects. It monitors media and company reports on new FDI projects, analyses these, and adds them to an ongoing list of investment projects. Each project contains a range of policy relevant variables, including basic profiles of the project (including value and job data), assessments of policy aspects of the projects (such as the role of investment promotion programmes), and an assessment of the investor’s experience in entering the South African market.


In the third quarter of 2024, 16 projects were added to the Tracker. Investment amounts to R17.3 billion, from six projects that reported values. Investment was registered across mining, manufacturing, utilities and services. A total of 1300 potential employment opportunities were recorded from three projects. Monitoring further updated 17 pre-existing…
Monitoring recorded 11 projects in the second quarter of 2024. The number of projects that published investment values was limited and only three projects account for the R8 billion recorded for the quarter. Furthermore, only one project reported on employment, announcing 200 temporary jobs. The Tracker further updated 17 pre-existing projects.
In the first quarter of 2024, monitoring added 20 projects to the Tracker. However, only a handful of projects published investment values. This resulted in a substantial underestimate in the amount recorded for the quarter – R4.1 billion derived from five projects. Monitoring updated 15 pre-existing projects this quarter.
The Tracker added 23 projects in the fourth quarter of 2023 with a pledged investment value amounting to R478.7 billion recorded from 12 projects. The other 11 projects have not yet reported their respective project values. Monitoring updated 28 pre-existing projects to the Tracker this quarter.
In the third quarter of 2023, the Tracker added 28 projects that are at varying stages of development. The total pledged investment value is R53.5 billion recorded from 11 projects. (The investment values of the  remaining 17 projects have not yet been disclosed.) There are five projects that reported employment opportunities that…
The pledged investment value recorded in the second quarter of 2023 amounts to just over R259.7 billion, attributable to 27 of the 30 projects added to the Tracker this quarter. The three remaining projects did not report investment values. The 5th South African Investment Conference took place in April 2023 and…
A total of 11 FDI projects were recorded in the first quarter of 2023. The pledged investment value for the quarter is attributable to only three projects and amounts to R47.8 billion. Tracking captured 50 364 employment opportunities with numbers reported for two projects. Terragrn’s agroforest project accounts for 50 000 of…
Analysis in the fourth quarter of 2022 identified 17 new projects. Investment values were reported for only nine of the projects, amounting to R8.6 billion. Employment data was reported for five projects, totalling 2 316 employment opportunities, mainly comprising of jobs resulting from the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP)…
This quarter 12 projects not previously recorded in the FDI Tracker were registered, and nine existing projects were updated. The total pledged investment value for the quarter was R22.5 billion from nine projects. The values of the remaining three projects have not been announced. The FDI Tracker identified 1 460 employment…
A total of 12 projects were recorded over the second quarter of 2022.  The pledged investment value for the period is R8.6 billion captured from eight projects, the values of remaining four projects are not yet available. Monitoring identified one investment, the Ardagh Group’s Consol Glass expansion project that could…
In the first quarter of 2022, 33 new projects were added to the Tracker, of which 30 recorded a total pledged investment value of R79.4 billion for the period. With the exception of three investments, projects captured this quarter were announced at the South African Investment Conference held in March 2022.…
Monitoring identified 23 projects in the fourth quarter of 2021, These recorded a total pledged investment value of R128.2 billion. The Tracker further recorded 263 employment opportunities from one project, comprising 59 permanent jobs and 204 temporary employment opportunities. The majority of projects captured this quarter were announced as preferred…
The Q3 2021 analysis identified 13 projects with a total pledged investment value of R45.4 billion from nine projects. The Tracker further recorded 8 487 employment opportunities. Most of the jobs (8 000) stem from a single project, De Beers Venetia Underground Project. Progress updates were reported for 10 projects this quarter.
Ten projects were captured in the second quarter 2021. The total pledged investment value came to about R19.8 billion, from five projects. Potential employment opportunities for the projects captured in this reporting period, if any, were not disclosed. Ten projects were updated in this quarter, while some are complete or…
The FDI Tracker captured 18 projects in the first quarter of 2021. The total pledged investment value for the quarter amounted to about R64.5 billion from 16 projects. Monitoring further recorded 18 750 employment opportunities from 10 projects. This consisted of 15 366 permanent jobs and 3 384 temporary employment…
This FDI Tracker presents an analysis of foreign investment projects captured in Q3 and Q4 of 2020. It covers two quarters due to low investment activity in Q3 2020 combined with general delays in the release of company and aggregated data, such as those which inform the investment environment analysis.…
This report presents investment projects captured in Q1 and Q2 of 2020. Q1 and Q2 have been combined mainly because of the low number of investment projects announced in Q1 2020, combined with general delays in the release of certain data, such as those which inform the investment environment analysis.…
A larger number of projects were captured in the FDI Tracker for the final quarter of 2019 due to the President’s Investment Conference held in November 2019. A total of 31 projects were captured, consisting of a mix of projects announced at the conference and those announced or taking place…
Monitoring for Quarter 3 of 2019 identified 16 new investment projects. Investment values were reported for 11 of these projects with a total of R10.2 billion for the quarter. Employment data was available for five projects with 2 096 permanent jobs recorded. Two projects were updated: Ford Motor Company Southern…
In the second quarter of 2019, 17 new projects were added to the FDI Tracker. Investment values were available for 11 of these projects, and the sum of these investments were R25.1 billion. A total of 5 376 jobs were recorded from five projects where employment data was available. Of…
Investment monitoring for the first quarter of 2019 added 16 new projects. Based on the available investment value data, a total investment value of R146.6 billion accrued from seven projects. Six projects were updated in the FDI Tracker. Five projects were updated this quarter, having either come to completion or…
Monitoring for Quarter 4 added 18 projects not previously captured by the FDI tracker. These are a mix of projects announced during the Investment Conference held in October 2018, and announced or taking place before the conference. The quarter rounds out the year with a total pledge value for projects…
Monitoring for Quarter 3 identified 11 projects not previously captured by the FDI tracker; while five existing projects were updated during the quarter, with many of them coming to completion. Projects this quarter had a total pledged value of R47,7 billion, an increase from the R21,1 billion recorded in the…
Monitoring for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2018 identified 12 projects that were not previously captured, with no major updates to existing projects.