
TIPS In the News

Business Day - 5 January 2007

The trade and industry department says this will be a critical year for SA's trade negotiations in the international arena, marking out the country's parameters in international trade relations.

Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies said yesterday these parameters would be determined by the outcome of talks on three trade treaties.

This involves the possible revival of the collapsed Doha round of World Trade Organisation (WTO) talks; the further economic integration of the Southern African Development Community (SADC); and the economic partnership talks between the European Union (EU) and several southern African states.


The Guardian - 8 december 2006

The European Union is insisting that some of Africa's poorest countries accept liberalisation of services, investment and competition policy as the price of better access to the world's richest market, it emerged last night.

Under proposals being discussed in Brussels today, the European commission will say that unless the developing nations accept changes in sectors deemed too sensitive to be included in global trade talks, they will be denied better market access for their exports.


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