
Sustainable Growth

24 August 2018

Desalination in South Africa: panacea or peril for industrial development?

These three reports are part of a tri-partite initiative of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), the Water Research Commission and TIPS on the development and growth of the water and sanitation industry in South Africa.

Desalination in South Africa: panacea or peril for industrial development?

This paper examines two fundamental issues related to desalination. First, it examines whether desalination is appropriate for the South African context. This involves looking at how the technology is implemented, what the principal cost drivers are and the key trends in the technology. Then, it investigates the potential business model considerations that have to be borne in mind when thinking about adopting the technology for the country. Second, it investigates whether South Africa could play an active role in providing desalination solutions to global markets. This is congruent with supporting the local industry and identifying a role for industrial policy to play a part in advancing the industry. To see what policy measures are appropriate, both the local and foreign markets for desalination are analysed.

Links to other reports

Global water and sanitation market dynamics: Implications for South Africa’s industrial development

Forward-looking approach to next generation sanitation and industrial development in South Africa