
Trade and Industry

Trade and Industry (94)

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
As South Africa responds to COVID-19 and aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post lockdown, an opportunity should not be missed to consider investing in new product markets which could increase the size and dynamism of the manufacturing sector. Such a package could contribute to arresting the trend…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
As South Africa responds to COVID-19 and aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post lockdown, an opportunity should not be missed to consider investing in new product markets which could increase the size and dynamism of the manufacturing sector. Such a package could contribute to arresting the trend…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
As South Africa responds to COVID-19 and aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post lockdown, an opportunity should not be missed to consider investing in new product markets which could increase the size and dynamism of the manufacturing sector. Such a package could contribute to arresting the trend…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
As South Africa responds to COVID-19 and aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post lockdown, an opportunity should not be missed to consider investing in new product markets which could increase the size and dynamism of the manufacturing sector. Such a package could contribute to arresting the trend…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
As South Africa responds to COVID-19 and aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post lockdown, an opportunity should not be missed to consider investing in new product markets which could increase the size and dynamism of the manufacturing sector. Such a package could contribute to arresting the trend…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper: Reviews the socio-economic mandates of the major state-owned companies (SOCs) as reflected in official documents, sometimes only implicitly; Provides case studies of four leading SOCs in terms of their socio-economic and financial mandates over the past decade or so; and The actual and potential impact of the COVID-19…
WIDER Working Paper 2020/148 This working paper, Future-proofing the plastics value chain in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract Plastics are ubiquitous across the region and play an important role in multiple industries. Most plastic products are based on a value chain…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Nishal Robb
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Illicit financial flows (IFFs) of various kinds, and the role of tax havens in facilitating these flows, have come under increased scrutiny since the global financial crisis of 2007-2009. A series of high-profile scandals and leaks of sensitive information about how corporates and individuals organise their financial affairs to escape…
WIDER Working Paper 2020/23 This working paper, Initial considerations for the creation of an inter-regional industrial hemp value chain between Malawi and South Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract Interest in industrial hemp has revived in the past 20 years. Malawi is considering…

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and ZIPAR
  • Author(s) Sithembiso Mtanga (TIPS), Francis Ziba (ZIPAR) and Bernard Tembo (ZIPAR)
  • Countries and Regions Zambia
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states have placed industrial development at the core of the region’s integrated development agenda. This report by Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) and the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis & Research (ZIPAR) is part of a programme that seeks to identify existing…

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla and Saul Levin (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Greater regional integration would support economic diversification and industrialisation in Southern Africa by expanding markets for consumers and capital goods as well as drawing together capacities from different of countries. It would, however, require a greater degree of specialisation between nations to permit economies of scale. In this context, the…

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
To assist in improving the regulatory environment for small business, the Department of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation and Department of Small Business Development requested the Employment Promotion Programme contract Trade and Industrial Policy Strategies to conduct a study on the national regulatory burdens on small business. The broad objectives of…

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation For the Department of Trade and Industry
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Customs are charged with ensuring maximum trade facilitation and decreasing the time and costs associated with clearing consignments into and out of the country. Non-compliance and customs fraud are, however, on the rise through multiple channels including misdeclaration of goods, under and overvaluation, misrepresentation of country of origin, round tripping,…

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Gillian Chigumira (TIPS)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/70 This working paper, Assessment of demand in agro-processing machinery in the SADC region: A case study of the maize-milling machinery value chain in South Africa and Zambia, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract The SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap…

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Tracy Ledger (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/61 This working paper, Charity begins at home The political economy of non-tariff barriers to trade in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract Increased intra-regional trade in southern Africa will have a positive impact on eonomic growth. However, this…
WIDER Working Paper 2019/38 This working paper, Moving up the copper value chain in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract t: Interest in industrial hemp has revived in the past 20 years. Malawi is considering legalizing the cultivation of industrial hemp as an…

  • Year 2018
  • Organisation Department of Trade and Industry: Industry 4.0 project
  • Author(s) Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Industry 4.0 project This series of papers was commissioned by the Future Industrial Production Technologies Chief Directorate of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). This unit is focused on preparing South African industry for the fourth industrial revolution. Saul Levin (TIPS) directed the project, and Dr Shawn Cunningham…

  • Year 2018
  • Organisation Department of Trade and Industry: Industry 4.0 project
  • Author(s) Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Industry 4.0 project This series of papers was commissioned by the Future Industrial Production Technologies Chief Directorate of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). This unit is focused on preparing South African industry for the fourth industrial revolution. Saul Levin (TIPS) directed the project, and Dr Shawn Cunningham…

  • Year 2018
  • Organisation Department of Trade and Industry: Industry 4.0 project
  • Author(s) Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Industry 4.0 project This series of papers was commissioned by the Future Industrial Production Technologies Chief Directorate of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). This unit is focused on preparing South African industry for the fourth industrial revolution. Saul Levin (TIPS) directed the project, and Dr Shawn Cunningham…

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Sithembiso Mtanga and Richard McCamel (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/38 This working paper, Motorcycle parts and aftermarket industry regional value chain in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract This paper provides an overview of the structure, key functions, and characteristics of the motorcycle parts and aftermarket industries in Southern…

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/26 This working paper, Black cat, white cat - lessons to be learned from ASEAN, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract There is some consensus at present that SADC needs to re-imagine itself and breathe new life into its somewhat…

  • Year 2018
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Dr Faizel Ismail: Adjunct Professor Faculty of Law School of Economics, and Graduate School of Business, UCT, and TIPS Research Fellow
  • Countries and Regions Africa
This paper argues that adopting a “developmental regionalism” approach to trade integration provides the best prospects for the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) to catalyse the process of transformative industrial development, cross-border investment and democracy, governance, peace and security in Africa. It also looks at the progress being made…

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The current electricity model incorporates a paradox in which continual increases in price contribute to falling demand, which in turn leads to higher unit costs and prices. In this context, high levels of capital expenditure by Eskom have become a critical cost driver. The contradictory response of raising prices in…

  • Year 2014
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Wendy Nyakabawo
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Special economic zones (SEZs) emerged internationally as a policy to support industrial development in particular by providing for the introduction of targeted incentives and infrastructure. Internationally, despite their name, they are often effectively delinked from specific geographic areas in order to achieve these aims. This is especially useful where government…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Chonzi Mulenga
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC), Zambia
Intra-Industry trade (henceforth IIT) has generally been perceived to be a feature of the industrialized countries. As the past few years have seen a rapid increase in Zambia's trade with its trading partners in the SADC, trade statistics reveal that a substantial part of such intra-SADC trade is in fact…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It provides an overview of key issues in global industrial policy literature. It begins with a brief examination of the link between industrial policy and development and the differences between the…

  • Year 2012
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt
This paper forms part of a broader research project TIPS has been involved in around common regional industrial policies. It looks at three examples of regional integration: the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Union and Mercosur. The focus is on understanding the drivers and motivation for regional…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) William S. Mbuta
The absence of growth in intra-SADC trade in industrial products since the tariff phase-downs were initiated prompted by the ratification of the SADC Protocol on Trade in 2000 continues to generate interest amongst policymakers and other stakeholders as it appears that removal of market access constraint alone is not a…

  • Year 2011
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) B Seetanah; K Padachi; R Juwaheer; R V Sannassee; M Lamport; U Subadur; J Matadeen
This paper models tourist arrivals into Mauritius from various parts of the world with a view to understand the contribution of different determinants in explaining the success of the island as an international tourism destination. A dual methodological approach was adopted namely panel date and survey frameworks. Results from the…

  • Year 2011
  • Author(s) tralac
  • Countries and Regions Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
For many of the African states, negotiations to liberalise trade in services is a relatively new phenomenon. For the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) member states, the only experience acquired on this subject was during multilateral negotiations in the context of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Now…
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