
TIPS - Small Business Development
SAIIA and TIPS have collaborated on a project investigating balance of payment dynamics issues in South Africa. Professor Andreas Freytag, who has a Chair of Economic Policy at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena in Germany, has been working with SAIIA and the University of Stellenbosch on the following research: 'Balance of Payments Dynamics, Institutions and…"
Published in Trade and Industry
Presently, deep-sea vessels fishing Hake under-catch their annual allocation by nearly 10,000 tons and it is claimed that this is because there is no basis on which to target by-catch once the allowable Hake quota has been caught. The following policy and regulatory issues would permit Horse Mackerel, which is a form of…"

  • Year 2007
  • Author(s) Stephan Malherbe;Nick Segal
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
By the late 1980s, many of South Africa's corporations were bloated, unfocused and run by entrenched and complacent managers. These firms were sustained and tolerated by a very different environment from that in advanced economies and capital markets. The mainstay of the South African environment was isolation. Tariffs and political isolation shielded firms…"
TIPS has added Economic Regulation as one of its main research areas, where we'll focus mainly on essential services (energy, telecoms, transport and water) because of their social impact and network characteristics, to ensure universal and affordable access to essential services. The purpose of the paper is to provide some food for thought…"
Published in Economic Regulation
No-one can dispute that electricity is an essential input to production and economic growth in South-Africa. Eskom, a wholly state-owned utility dominates electricity generation, it supplies approximately 95% of South Africa's electricity. The Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) has been facing numerous uncertainties during the past decade. This included aspects such as the restructuring…"
Published in Trade and Industry
Since 1994, some restructuring of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) has taken place in South Africa (SA), which has included elements of corporatisation and commercialisation, as well as partial privatisation. The Government has committed itself to more reform. This is an ongoing process, and to inform this process an investigation into its economy-wide impacts in…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Nathan Okurut; Andrie Schoombee; Servaas van der Berg
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Uganda is one of the few African countries which has experienced quite substantial growth in the period since 1990. Growth of GDP has been estimated at 6.9% per annum for the period 1990-2002, compared to only 2.6% for all African countries and Ugandas own far weaker performance of 2.9% in the 1980s (World…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Robert Kappel, Jann Lay and Susan Steiner
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
This article illustrates changing growth regimes in Uganda from pro-poor growth in the 1990s to growth without poverty reduction, actually even a slight increase in poverty, after 2000. Not surprisingly, we find that good agricultural performance is the key determinant of direct pro-poor growth in the 1990s as well as lower agricultural growth…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Sandra Freire
The models measuring the macroeconomic impact of HIV/AIDS are heterogeneous : each one relies on a specific theoretical background. Nevertheless, there are, at least, three main common limits to those approaches : the authors concentrate on the impact on the labour market ; they neglect the potential implications on the capital market ;…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Anders Danielson
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa)
Studying the relation between economic growth and income poverty reduction without taking changes in the distribution of income into consideration is like setting up Othello without Iago in the play. Without any further references to Shakespeare, this paper examines the relations between poverty levels, economic growth and changes in inequality in Tanzania during…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Tsegaye Yilma Dessalegn;Ernst Berg; Thomas Berger
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
There is a general consensus that bad economic policies, among other factors, are to blame for the poor performance of economies in sub Saharan African (SSA). However, there is no similar consensus on the effect of economic reforms on poverty alleviation, a primary goal of any economy in the region. This paper looked…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Espen Villanger
"The United States has played a leading role in shaping the World Bank's agenda, and Bank projects often support U.S. foreign policy goals. For example, the Bank is providing resources to assist in the transition of central Europe and the countries of the former Soviet Union from communist to market-basedsystems. The Bank has…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Thierry Latreille
Poverty reduction policies have become the main guidelines of economic policies in many Sub-Saharan African countries. Therefore the authorities need new social indicators in order to follow the application and the effectiveness of their policies. In recent years renewed efforts have been made to develop new policy tools aimed at better understanding the…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Rashad Cassim; Dirk van Seventer
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
As part of a wider investigation by the National Institute for Economic Policy, covering a range of economic policy issues, the main aim of this paper is to provide another view of how trade policy has evolved since democracy. We use standard quantities measures of trade policy analysis as an input into a…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Albert de Wet and Steven F. Koch
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The responsiveness of business investment spending to price changes is central in economic analysis. Despite the key role played by the user cost of capital in economic analysis, there is less supporting evidence for the existence of a substantial user cost elasticity. This study investigates the empirical user cost of capital with specific…"
This paper investigates South Africa's saving-investment behaviour between 1962 and 2001. The results show that due to the unlimited nature of net capital inflows (foreign debt) from 1962 to 1976, saving and investment were not bound by a long-run solvency constraint and thus unrelated in the long run. By contrast, the limit placed…"
Published in SADC Trade Development

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Simangele Sekgobela
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
The debate around the privatisation of state owned assets has focused around economic efficiency gains and regulation. Very few studies have considered the fiscal impact of privatisation on the tax-payers. Even the few empirical studies conducted were done in industrialised countries where institutions and markets are well developed. This paper is an attempt…"

  • Year 2003
  • Author(s) Afeikhena Jerome; Moses Rangata
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This study evaluates South African privatisation or restructuring programme. In the main, it has largely focused on divestiture of "non- core business" such as broadcasting stations, resorts, and related services in the transport sector as well as selling minority stakes in utilities to so-called strategic equity partners and Black Economic Empowerment groups. The…"
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