
TIPS - Poverty

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
A quarter of a century after apartheid ended, South Africa remained one of the most unequal countries in the world, by class, race and gender. Inequality emerged in unusually stark differences in household incomes; asset ownership, including both concentrated business ownership and household resources; access to quality education, which still largely reflected family…"
Daily Maverick - 2 April 2020 by Shakespear Mudombi (TIPS Economist) Read online at Daily Maverick"
Published in TIPS In the News

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Shakespear Mudombi
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Although many issues affect the water and sanitation sector, this Working Paper focuses on the access to those services. An in-depth assessment of the progress made in providing water and sanitation services can help inform various stakeholders and decision-makers about the need for renewed effort towards universal access. Against this backdrop, the objective…"

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation Tansa Power Ltd
  • Author(s) Dr Christopher D Mlosy
Session 11: Inclusive innovation to address poverty, unemployment and inequality "
This paper looks at the role that potential poverty-reducing impact that the CWP could have is expanded. While acknowledging that there are significant non-monetary impacts, the focus is on measuring the impact that earning the CWP wage would have on household poverty and inequality. (The Employment Promotion Programme (EPP) Research)"
Unemployment and earnings inequality in South Africa have declined in recent years, while the trend in overall income inequality is unclear. Inequality and unemployment both remain at extremely high levels by historical and international standards. There has been a very close relationship between trends in unemployment and earnings inequality in recent years. The…"

  • Project SADRN
  • Year 2011
Sugar cane remains a major contributor to the Mauritian economy. In 2003 it was cultivated on 85% of the arable land by 28 000 planters, with most planters being smallholders. One in three rural families is directly or indirectly involved in the sugar industry. Annual sugar production averages 575 000 tonnes of which…"
Published in Policy Briefs
Increasingly natural capital is becoming the limiting factor in economic activity. Terms such as sustainable growth and green economy have been used to describe an economic growth path that does not lead to the destruction of the environment. Governments have used what is described by Bulte, Lipper, Stringer, and Zilberman (2008) as command…"

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation World Bank
  • Author(s) Obert Pimhidzai
  • Countries and Regions Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (Comesa), East African Community (EAC)
Session 4A: Is Informal Normal in Low Income Countires? If So, What Does this Mean for Development Policy?"

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation University of Pretoria
  • Author(s) Margaret Chitiga et al
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 8b: The Global Financial Crisis - Micro Impacts"

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation Human Sciences Research Council
  • Author(s) Catherine Cross
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 8B: The Global Financial Crisis - Marco Impacts"

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Author(s) Dorrit Posel; Daniela Casale
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 6A: Subjective Measures of Welfare"

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat; University of Exxex
  • Author(s) Stefan Klonner; Patrick J Nolen
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 5A: Poverty and Household Welfare"

  • Year 2010
  • Organisation University of Pretoria
  • Author(s) Steven F Koch
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 4B: Global Crisis and Poverty"
Maize is the most important staple cereal product consumed in the Southern African region. The purpose of this paper is to examine the origins of the global 2007/8 food price crisis and the impact this had on the trade in maize within the SACU customs union as well as to consider the impact…"
The paper has attempted to contribute to a key issue in the current debate on economic development: the link between trade and poverty. The paper focused on the impact of imported chickens on Zimbabwe's poultry industry. The general aim of the study was to find the impact of imported chicken on producers, consumers,…"
The services sector is increasingly seen as a means to promote economic development and reduce poverty. It is becoming the largest sector, in terms of share of GDP and employment, in most developing countries. The services sector is highly diverse, ranging, from infrastructure services such as telecommunications, construction, transportation, financial services to tourism…"
This study reviews the reforms undertaken in the financial sector with respect to regulation and access widening polices. The developments at the macro and micro level of the banking system are also assessed. Empirical analysis of the effects of financial liberalisation on growth by augmenting an aggregate production function with different measures of…"
With the EU sugar reforms, the overall economic weight of the sugar sector has fallen. The sugar sector's contribution to GDP is now comparatively small, around 1.9% of GDP in 2008. In this context, the Mauritian government and the private sector defined the Multi-Annual Adaptation Strategy (MAAS) to restructure and establish a more…"
This project was designed to explore small-scale mining activities in Erongo Region of Namibia. The main objective was to explore possible contributions of small-scale mining to poverty alleviation in Namibia. The study seeks to achieve three specific objectives, namely activities of small-scale mining, the role of small-scale mining with regard to poverty alleviation,…"
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