
What Do We Know About South African Exporters From Micro-Data?

  • Date: Friday, 03 July 2009

Dr. Neil Rankin

What Do We Know About South African Exporters From Micro-Data?

About Dr. Rankin:

Dr Neil Rankin is a Senior Lecturer and the founding Director of the African Microeconomics Research Umbrella (AMERU) in the School of Economic and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits).

Dr Rankin obtained his doctorate from the Centre for the Study of African Economies, University of Oxford in 2005 and has, since then, been based at Wits.  His research interests are in the field of applied microeconomics. These include: the links between firm performance and labour market outcomes; the impact of trade on firms and workers; the microeconomic aspects of inflation and pricing; and the determinants of educational outcomes.  Much of this research is based on primary data that he has been involved in collecting, both in South Africa and a number of other African countries.

Dr Rankin's recent publications include: "South African Exporting Firms: What Do We Know and What Should We Know", Journal of Development Perspectives, 4 (1): 93-118 with Edwards, L. and Schoer, V. (2008) and "Price setting in South Africa 2001 to 2007 - stylised facts using consumer price micro data", Journal of Development Perspectives, 4 (1): 93-118 with Creamer, K. (2008).