
A Re-Examination of SADC Industrial Development Policies and Lessons for SACU

  • Date: Friday, 12 August 2011
  • Venue: TIPS Offices, 826 Government Avenue, Corner of Percy, Pretoria
  • Main Speakers: Willam Mbuta, Trudi Hartzenberg & Paul Kruger

William Mbuta was the Science and Technology Development Officer at the National Science and Technology Council of Zambia before becoming assistant general manager in the area of policy research at a Chamber of Mines; he them worked at the SADC Secretariat where he was Programme Officer – Industrial Policy at the between 2007 and 2010. William is now an independent consultant based in Lusaka.
Willam has prepared a working paper for TIPS on the theme which he will discuss at the seminar. William's working paper can be found on web-site home page (

Trudi Hartzenberg is the Executive Director of the Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (tralac). She is an economist specialised in trade, industrial and competition policy, regional integration and industrial organisation. She has taught at a number of Universities in South Africa as well as abroad, in Denmark. She has worked on assignment for a number of international institutions including the IMF, African Development Bank and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

Paul Kruger is a tralac researcher with special interests in trade negotiations, behind the border trade issues, industry competitiveness and sustainable development. He is a qualified lawyer and has been involved in a wide range of regional and international trade and trade related projects.

Tralac's research report and related policy brief on which the presentation will be based can also be found on our web-site home page (