
Taking Inequality Analysis beyond the Gini Co-Efficient

  • Date: Tuesday, 03 September 2013
  • Venue: Holiday Inn, 123 Rivonia Road, Sandton, Johannesburg
  • Main Speakers: Jose Gabriel Palma


José Gabriel Palma is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University. He has a D. Phil in Economics from Oxford University, a PHD from Cambridge University (by incorporation) and a D. Phil in Political Science from Sussex University.  He worked during the Government of Salvador Allende in the nationalisation of the copper industry, and after his graduate work in the UK he worked as a lecturer at the universities of London, Sussex, Oxford and Cambridge. He has published articles and books dealing with the economics of developing countries, with a strong focus on Latin America and Asia. He has also written extensively on inequality, financial liberalisation and financial crises, industrial policy, the history of ideas in development economics and politics, and Latin American economic history.

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