There is growing concern that measures already in place or potentially adopted by developed countries to combat climate change could be trade distortionary, introduce new forms of 'green protectionism' and/or be discriminatory. Such policy and regulatory measures may range from emissions trading schemes (e.g. the EU's deferred airlines tax) to border tax adjustments that price carbon, subsidies, new public and/or private standards (including carbon labelling schemes), taxes on maritime transportation and, among other non-tariff barriers to trade, could entail the introduction of specific legislation.
Discussion bocussed on the following three questions from an industry/sector perspective:
• Using specific examples, is your industry/sector vulnerable to existing/new climate- or environment-related regulations/measures in international markets?
• Are any existing regulations/measures already impacting on your competitiveness, or would the latter be affected if these were to be introduced – and if so, how?
• What measures could your industry or sector take to reduce its carbon footprint?
For a summary of the roundtable discussion, see attachment below.