
African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE) 2014: Five public lectures

  • Date: Tuesday, 02 September 2014
During the upcoming APORDE 2014 a series of public evening seminars will be held:
1. Taking Inequality Analysis beyond the Gini Co-efficient
Speaker: Gabriel Palma
Date: Tuesday 2 September 2014
Time: From 19h00 (refreshments from 18:30)
Venue: IDC conference centre, 
Co-host: IDC
2. African Development in Historical Perspective
Speaker:  Bill Freund
Date: Wednesday 3 September 2014
Time: From 18h30
Venue: Wits University, Graduate School of Humanities seminar room (South West Engineering Building, East Campus next to the Great Hall)
Co-host: PARI
3. Inaugural Alice Amsden Memorial Lecture:  How Economies Grow: Alice Amsden and the Real World Economics of Late Industrialisation
Speaker: Stephanie Seguino
Date: Thursday 4 September 2014
Time: From 19h00 (refreshments from 18:30)
Venue: SEBS seminar suite, 1st Floor – New Commerce Building, West Campus, Wits University
Co-host: TIPS
4. Labour and Economic Development
Speakers:  Ben Fine and Nicolas Pons-Vignon
Date: Tuesday 9 September 2014
Time: From 18h30
Venue: Houghton Boardroom, No 17 5th Street, Houghton (off Glenhove Road on Rosebank side of the highway)
Co-host: Nedlac
5. Global Value Chains, the New Trade Narrative and the WTO Doha Impasse: the Way Forward                         
Linking Trade and Industrial Policy in the Context of Regional and Bilateral Trade Agreements
Speakers:   Faizel Ismail and Niki Cattaneo
Date:  Wednesday 10 September 2014
Time:  From 18h00 (refreshments from 17:30)
Venue: C-Ring 315, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, University of Johannesburg
Co-host: University of Johannesburg, Department of Economics