
Linking back of port operations to city development plans and supporting the growth of the marine engineering sector

  • Date: Monday, 16 February 2015
  • Venue: TIPS Boardroom, 227 Lange St, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
  • Main Speakers: Jamie Simpson


Jamie Simpson is an economic and management consultant with 25 years experience related to port planning, infrastructure investment and city-region economic development. He has extensive experience as a Project Director/Manager leading major projects and working with governments and senior executives on strategic planning, investment plans and economic transformation – in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. He has provided advisory support on a range of port market studies and due diligence for the leading port operators (HPH, DPW, PSA, APMT, ICTSI, China Merchants) and financial institutions (HSBC, BoC, B&B Infrastructure, JPMorgan, Standard and Chartered) as part of their transaction advice.

Jamie was retained by Hong Kong Government and worked with the Port Development Board (Port Development Council), the public-private partnership that includes the world's leading port operators, logistics and shipping lines, for over 10 years in a lead advisor role on port strategy and investment. He has acted as Lead Advisor to governments/ Regional Development Agencies on linking city-region development strategies to port/logistics development – including Felixstowe, Southampton, Teleport and London Gateway in the UK. He has worked with the World Bank, IFC, Asian Development Bank, UK DFID and the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG). Jamie is the Chairperson of the Expert Evaluation Panel of the Cities Alliance Catalytic Fund – a small grant window aimed at funding innovative ideas and approaches related to urbanisation.


Are Ports Drivers of Sustainable Economic Development? Exploring Linkages between Ports, Growth and Employment

Article Front page of The Mercury and Business Report (20 February, 2015):

Dig-out port: 'Think again'

See research paper for related research on increasing port efficinccy and the important role that ports play in economic development. This falls under the TIPS Small Grant Research Papers initiative and is based on Jack Dryer's work for his masters thesis.

Is Durban's Port Expansion necessary?