Repositioning electricity planning at the core: An evaluation of South Africa's Integrated Resource Plan
Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
Background: Energy and electricity issues in particular have recently been high on the South African agenda. Beyond immediate near-term considerations, reviewing the current electricity planning process is both a timely and necessary exercise. This review, based on an internationally-recognised framework developed by the World Resources Institute and Prayas Energy Group, unpacks the key pillars of an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and reviews South Africa's performance. The objective is to provide a comprehensive overview of the key elements of successful electricity planning and to use this framework to reflect on the country's opportunities and challenges for optimal planning and implementation.
TOPIC: Electricity pricing and economic development in South Africa: The real tough choices
Dr Neva Makgetla
Background: From the 1980s, growth in South Africa has depended in large part on low-cost, coal-fuelled electricity. This trajectory is no longer viable due to the rising costs of both new investment and climate change. TIPS undertook a systematic assessment of options for managing the cost and economic impact of various options for adapting to the new realities of electricity in both the short and long term.