
Electricity beyond the national grid (TIPS and GEC)

  • Date: Thursday, 22 February 2018
  • Time: 09.30-13.00
  • Venue: TIPS Boardroom, 234 Lange St, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
  • For enquiries or to register please contact:

Development Dialogue: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) and Green Economy Coalition (GEC)


9:30 -   9:45: Opening and Welcome 
9:45 - 12:00: Presentation and discussion of research findings

Regional integration in Southern Africa - A platform for electricity sustainability: Gaylor Montmasson-Clair and Bhavna Deonarain (TIPS) 

South African municipalities and renewable energy - New roles and opportunities: Louise Scholtz (WWF-SA)


Energy empowerment - A community-based approach to the ownership and delivery of renewable energy: Tasneem Essop (representing EDI)

From user to prosumer - Energy interventions at the firm level: Julie Wells and Ndivhuho Raphulu (NCPC-SA)

12:00 - 13:00 Panel discussion with presenters, facilitated by Minnesh Bipath (SANEDI)

13:00: Lunch


South Africa's electricity sector is in the midst of a multifaceted transformation. Renewable energy technologies are aggressively entering the market at both the utility- and small-scale levels. Private sector players and prosumers are equally reshuffling the cards of electricity generation. The national grid is oscillating between supply problems and overcapacity while South Africa's neighbours are targeting self-reliance. With the ongoing problems experienced by Eskom, the country's vertically-integrated national power utility, would the solutions to South Africa's electricity issues lie elsewhere? Would deeper regional integration represent a sustainable solution to South Africa's woes? Should municipalities rather play a larger role in South Africa's electricity sector? How should users, be it households and firms, position themselves? The Development Dialogue will share research undertaken on some of these issues and consider the linkages between these different levels of interventions as well as their impacts on the national electricity sector.

See Research

Regional integration in Southern Africa: A platform for electricity sustainability

New roles for South African municipalities in renewable energy - A review of business models