
TIPS Webinar - Unravelling South Africa's Just Transition: Unpacking cross-cutting interventions

  • Date: Tuesday, 16 February 2021
  • Venue: Webinar


Gaylor Montmasson-Clair - Senior Economist, TIPS

Presentation: Policy toolbox for a Just Transition

Mike Mulcahy - CEO, GreenCape

Presentation: Green Economy Cluster - The value of clustering in the South Africa economy

Janivi Da Silva - Director of Programmes, GreenMatter

Presentation: A composite approach for skills development towards a Just Transition for South Africa

Tashmia Ismail-Saville - CEO, Youth Employment Service (YES)

Presentation: Just Transition


Press release: Building blocks for a just transition in place

Marleny Arnoldi, Engineering News, 18 February 2021: TIPS encourages South Africa to leverage just transition imperatives already in place


South Africa has initiated a transition to a more sustainable development pathway. This notably involves moving towards a low-carbon economy. In a highly unequal society like South Africa, the need for a just transition, which would empower vulnerable stakeholders, has emerged as an imperative. Vulnerable stakeholders (such as workers, small businesses and low-income communities) should not be negatively impacted by the transition and should ideally be better off through it. 

International experience suggests that fostering a just transition requires long-term, ambitious interventions at multiple levels. South Africa's mix of measures remains in development and a high source of debate. This dialogue aims to inform this just transition process. It explores a number of possible cross-cutting options to foster a just transition process in South Africa, namely:

  • The policy toolbox
  • The cluster model
  • Skills development initiatives
  • Youth employment programmes

About the Speakers

Gaylor Montmasson-Clair will present on the policy toolbox for a just transition. Gaylor is a Senior Economist at TIPS, where he leads work on Sustainable Growth. He has carried extensive research on the transition to an inclusive green economy from a developing country perspective, with a focus on policy frameworks, industrial development, just transition and resource security. He was one of the lead authors of South Africa's National Employment Vulnerability Assessment (NEVA) and associated Sector Jobs Resilience Plans (SJRPs). 

Mike Mulcahy will discuss the role of the cluster approach as a vehicle to foster a just transition. Mike is the CEO of GreenCape, a green economy sector development agency. GreenCape's work has focussed on understanding and then removing barriers to commercially-viable projects across energy, water and waste. GreenCape sits at the nexus of industry, government and academia, allowing a unique perspective on pragmatic solutions to transition to a green economy. 

Janavi Da Silva will unpack the role of skills development in a just transition context. Janavi is the Director of Programmes at GreenMatter, which works towards unlocking the environmental, social and economic potential of South Africa through the development of suitably skilled biodiversity specialists, researchers and professionals. She has a deep experience in working for social and environmental enterprise and skills development.

Tashmia Ismail-Saville will present on the importance of youth employment programmes to achieve a just transition. Tashmia is the CEO of the Youth Employment Service (YES), a joint initiative between business, labour and government, which addresses South Africa's youth unemployment challenge. Together with a dedicated team, she works towards creating thousands of work experiences in South Africa. She has expertise in setting up organisations and has made contributions locally and internationally in the areas of innovation, inclusive business, digitisation of knowledge and business development, economic and behavioural research. 

About the Facilitator

Muhammed Patel is an Economist at TIPS. He has experience in the coal and petrochemical value chains. He is the lead author of the National Employment Vulnerability Assessment (NEVA) and Sector Jobs Resilience Plan (SJRP) for the coal value chain in South Africa.

This webinar builds on a five earlier dialogues, hosted on 7 July, 29 September, 3 November 17 November and December 1.