
Small business in the economy

  • Date: Thursday, 01 June 2023
  • Venue: Hybrid
  • For enquiries or to register please contact:

TIPS Development Dialogues 2023
Small Business in the Economy

Thursday 1 June 2023


Presentation: Small Business Sector - Real Economy Bulletin 2010-2022Q4 - Lesego Moshikaro, TIPS 

Presentation: Small business in industrial policy - Dr Neva Makgetla, TIPS

The Development Dialogue provides a chance to explore the latest evidence on the role of small business in the South African economy, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and loadshedding. TIPS will present information from its new Small Business edition of the Real Economy Bulletin. The publication provides baseline data on the number of small businesses and their contribution to the economy, as well as their distribution by industry and location, ownership by race, gender and age, investment, and profitability. It will also include insights from its new working paper on the role of small business in inclusive industrialisation. TIPS Dialogues bring together academics, policymakers, civil society organisations, workers and practitioners to discuss important issues and share ideas on industrial policy. TIPS is partnering with the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (the dtic).

If you wish to join, please contact TIPS via email to:  

About the Speakers 
Lesego Moshikaro is an economist at TIPS. Lesego has experience working on employment and skills issues across industries and is responsible for managing employment data for the TIPS Real Economy Bulletin. 
Dr Neva Makgetla is a senior economist at TIPS. Makgetla has published widely on the South African economy and worked for many years in government.

About the Development Dialogue Seminar Series

The objective of the seminar series is to provide a platform to share views and ideas on development and policy issues. These seminars are geared towards individuals that are involved the policy development process. To access the presentations of seminars which have already taken place, visit the TIPS website Dialogue section. This Development Dialogue will be held in a hybrid format allowing for both in-person and virtual participation.