
Medical devices value chain

  • Date: Monday, 23 October 2023
  • Time: 11:00-13:00
  • Venue: Online via Zoom

Medical devices header virtual

TIPS Development Dialogues 2023
Medical Devices Value Chain
Monday 23 October 2023 at 11:00 AM – 13:00 PM.


11:00 Opening and welcome by Moderator: Dr Michelle Mulder (SAMRC)

11:10 – 12:20 Presentations and discussion:

  • Dr Julius Mugwagwa (STEaPP) (University College London) – Presenting the IEJ Research Paper on Localising Medical Manufacturing in Africa
  • Liako Mofo (TIPS) – Presenting on the South African Medical Devices Masterplan – Value Chain Analysis Study
  • Victor van Vuuren (HolaVic) – Discussant: Insights from Manufacturers and Industry

12:20 – 12:50 Discussion

12:50 – 13:00 Closure

Victor van Vuuren (HolaVic) - Medical devices

Dr Julius Mubwagwu (STEaPP) (University College of London) - Localisation of medical manufacturing in Africa


Regulation and certification remain key for medical devices manufacturing in Africa - Schalk Burger, Engineering News 24 August 2023


Localisation of medical manufacturing in Africa - Institute for Economic Justice November 2022


South Africa is a large procurer of medical devices and pharmaceutical projects, with a well- established health care system and network. The COVID-19 pandemic as well as supply-chain disruptions highlighted the need to have domestic capacity in producing medical products. Further, building on the established demand for this sector, localisation of medical products would strengthen industrial capacity, create employment and reduce trade deficits.

This Development Dialogue will engage on the latest evidence for the development of domestic and Africa-wide capacity in the production of medical devices and products.

The Development Dialogue draws on recent TIPS research on the medical devices value chain in South Africa, IEJ research on localising medical manufacturing in Africa, and insights from the current process to develop a South African medical devices masterplan.  

About the Speakers


Dr Michelle Mulder is Executive Director in Grants, Innovation and Product Development at the South African Medical Research Council. She has a doctorate in Medical Microbiology from the University of Cape Town and has post-doctoral experience in a start-up biotechnology company emanating from the University of Cambridge (UK). She has consulted extensively in technology innovation and has been involved for the last 18 years in the strategic management and commercialisation of the SAMRC’s intellectual property and in capacity building in these areas in Southern and East Africa. She currently serves as a board member of two SAMRC-linked companies and is a member of the NHLS Research and Innovation Committee.


Liako Mofo is a senior economist at TIPS.  She holds a master’s degree in development economics from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom and has more than 16 years of experience in economic research, policy development and analysis, development of national strategic development plans, sector-specific investment plans and project cycle management in the public sector, and development in the regional and international context.
Dr Julius Mugwagwa is an Associate Professor of Health Innovation and Public Policy UCL STEaPP – Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy, University College London (UCL). His specialties and interests are local and global health; innovation systems; funding and governance of science, technology and innovation; health system strengthening; pharmaceutical and biotech sectors; cross-national technology governance; policy analysis; and project management.
Victor van Vuuren is Director: HolaVic Consulting (Pty) Ltd consulting globally. After completing a law degree Victor started his working career at the South African Department of Justice. Thereafter he moved into the private sector as a corporate legal advisor and human resources director at executive level in large corporates. Victor later helped establish a unified South African business federation, Business Unity South Africa, and was appointed as the first Chief Operations Officer.

For more information, please contact TIPS via email at:

 TIPS Dialogues bring together academics, policymakers, civil society organisations, workers,
and practitioners to discuss important issues and share ideas on industrial policy.

TIPS is partnering with the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (the dtic)
and the Institute of Economic Justice (IEJ) which will co-host the seminar.