
Displaying items by tag: Small business


Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS), an economic policy research institute based in Pretoria, is conducting research with the Green Economy Coalition ( aimed at better understanding the challenges faced by South Africa’s local green/social entrepreneurs.
TIPS is inviting all Green and Social Entrepreneurs/Small Businesses in South Africa to participate in an online survey. The information obtained will contribute to improving the understanding of the types of challenges faced by small businesses (particularly in terms of financial inclusion). It will help formulate policy recommendations in line with entrepreneurs’ needs.
If you identify yourself as a Green or Social Entrepreneur/Small Business, we would really value your insight. Click here to access the online survey link or copy and paste the link into your preferred Internet browser: You are also welcome to share the survey link with other entrepreneurs in your network. Subsequent dialogues and policy work will be informed by the outcomes of the survey. Participants will be invited to participate in the research feedback sessions.
The survey will close on 10 February 2021. Should you have any difficulties (such as Internet access or language) in filling in the survey, you are welcome to contact us for assistance at or

Media release: Promoting green entrepreneurship - what are the stumbling blocks?

TIPS and GEC logos

  • Year 2021
Published in Projects

Mail & Guardian - 16 April 2020 by Tshegofatso Mathe.

Read online at Mail & Guardian.

Published in TIPS In the News

Climate change impacts are being felt in low- and middle-income countries at an ever-increasing pace. The high dependency on climate-sensitive sectors as well as high vulnerability to climate change raise the need for quick responses and action. These climate events wreak havoc, ripping apart the fabric of societies, economies, and lives. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are vital components of economies and particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

This paper explores three inter-related themes: the material risks that small businesses face, the state of adapta­tion in low- and middle-income countries, and potential recommendations on a way forward. It is part of a series of background papers commissioned by the Global Commission on Adaptation.

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS, Caribbean Natural Resources Institute, Global Commission on Adaptation
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair, Muhammed Patel, Shakespear Mudombi (TIPS); Sasha Jattansingh, Ainka Granderson, Nicole Leotaud (Caribbean Natural Resources Institute)
Published in Climate Change

Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses.

This report is part of a broader initiative on small business development in South Africa’s climate change space, by TIPS with support and funding from the Government of Flanders. The research comprises this main report, which summarises the research findings on the topic, as well as six case studies on South African-based entrepreneurs active in the adaptation space: AB Farms, EWEF-SusTech, Loo Afrique, MySmartFarm, Waste Intrique and Isidima.

Climate change adaption and small business – case studies

Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule: Using hydrophonics to enhance food security

Bulelwa Ntsendwana: Harnessing chemistry for sustainable development and women empowerment

Rori Mpete: Thinking outside the box – retrofitting water saving in conventional waterborne sanitation systems

Wolfgang von Loeper: Sustainable farming: ensuring food security while preserving the planet

Tshego Mpete: Embracing green opportunities in the water sector

Media article: Mail & Guardian 7 June 2019

Tip for Cabinet: Bet on innovators 



  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and Government of Flanders
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair, Shakespear Mudombi, Muhammed Patel
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Climate Change

Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses.

This case study is part of a broader initiative on small business development in South Africa’s climate change space, by TIPS with support and funding from the Government of Flanders. The research comprises a main report, Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa, which summarises the research findings on the topic, as well as six case studies on South African-based entrepreneurs active in the adaptation space: AB Farms, EWEF-SusTech, Loo Afrique, MySmartFarm, Waste Intrique, and Isidima.

Main report

Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa

Climate change adaption and small business – case studies

Bulelwa Ntsendwana: Harnessing chemistry for sustainable development and women empowerment

Rori Mpete: Thinking outside the box – retrofitting water saving in conventional waterborne sanitation systems

Wolfgang von Loeper: Sustainable farming: ensuring food security while preserving the planet

Tshego Mpete: Embracing green opportunities in the water sector

Media article: Mail & Guardian 7 June 2019

Tip for Cabinet: Bet on innovators 

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and Government of Flanders
  • Author(s) Muhammed Patel
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Climate Change

Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses.

This case study is part of a broader initiative on small business development in South Africa’s climate change space, by TIPS with support and funding from the Government of Flanders. The research comprises a main report, Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa, which summarises the research findings on the topic, as well as six case studies on South African-based entrepreneurs active in the adaptation space: AB Farms, EWEF-SusTech, Loo Afrique, MySmartFarm, Waste Intrique, and Isidima.

Main report

Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa

Climate change adaption and small business – other case studies

Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule: Using hydrophonics to enhance food security

Rori Mpete: Thinking outside the box – retrofitting water saving in conventional waterborne sanitation systems

Wolfgang von Loeper: Sustainable farming ensuring food security while preserving the planet

Tshego Mpete: Embracing green opportunities in the water sector

Media article: Mail & Guardian 7 June 2019

Tip for Cabinet: Bet on innovators 

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and Government of Flanders
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Climate Change

Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses.

This case study is part of a broader initiative on small business development in South Africa’s climate change space, by TIPS with support and funding from the Government of Flanders. The research comprises a main report, Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa, which summarises the research findings on the topic, as well as six case studies on South African-based entrepreneurs active in the adaptation space: AB Farms, EWEF-SusTech, Loo Afrique, MySmartFarm, Waste Intrique and Isidima,.

Main report

Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa

Climate change adaption and small business – other case studies

Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule: Using hydrophonics to enhance food security

Bulelwa Ntsendwana: Harnessing chemistry for sustainable development and women empowerment

Wolfgang von Loeper: Sustainable farming – ensuring food security while preserving the planet

Tshego Mpete: Embracing green opportunities in the water sector

Media article: Mail & Guardian 7 June 2019

Tip for Cabinet: Bet on innovators 

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and Government of Flanders
  • Author(s) Shakespear Mudombi
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Climate Change

Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses.

This case study is part of a broader initiative on small business development in South Africa’s climate change space, by TIPS with support and funding from the Government of Flanders. The research comprises a main report, Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa, which summarises the research findings on the topic, as well as six case studies on South African-based entrepreneurs active in the adaptation space: AB Farms, EWEF-SusTech, Loo Afrique, MySmartFarm, Waste Intrique, and Isidima.

Main report

Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa

Climate change adaption and small business – case studies

Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule: Using hydrophonics to enhance food security

Bulelwa Ntsendwana: Harnessing chemistry for sustainable development and women empowerment

Rori Mpete: Thinking outside the box – retrofitting water saving in conventional waterborne sanitation systems

Tshego Mpete: Embracing green opportunities in the water sector

Media article: Mail & Guardian 7 June 2019

Tip for Cabinet: Bet on innovators 

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and Government of Flanders
  • Author(s) Muhammed Patel
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Climate Change

Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses.

This case study is part of a broader initiative on small business development in South Africa’s climate change space, by TIPS with support and funding from the Government of Flanders. The research comprises a main report, Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa, which summarises the research findings on the topic, as well as six case studies on South African-based entrepreneurs active in the adaptation space: AB Farms, EWEF-SusTech, Loo Afrique, MySmartFarm, Waste-Intrique, and Isidima.

Main report

Small Business Development in the Climate Change Adaptation Space in South Africa

Climate change adaption and small business – other case studies

Mogale Maleka and Tumelo Pule: Using hydrophonics to enhance food security

Bulelwa Ntsendwana: Harnessing chemistry for sustainable development and women empowerment

Rori Mpete: Thinking outside the box – retrofitting water saving in conventional waterborne sanitation systems

Wolfgang von Loeper: Sustainable farming: ensuring food security while preserving the planet

Media article: Mail & Guardian 7 June 2019

Tip for Cabinet: Bet on innovators 

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and Government of Flanders
  • Author(s) Shakespear Mudombi
Published in Climate Change