Basic Market Analysis Tools for Economists

  • Date: Tuesday, 17 July 2007

TIPS is holding an introductory training workshop on basic market analysis for the National Department of Agriculture from 17 to 18 July 2007 in Pretoria. The course is based on the use of the International Trade Centre's (ITC's) online Market Analysis Tools - TradeMap, ProductMap and Market Access Map - for market analysis in the development of South African trade and marketing strategies applicable and relevant to the agricultural sector.

In addition, intermediate Excel training will be used to link ITC's tools with national analytical indicators.

Trade Map, Product Map and Market Access Map were developed by the ITC, a Geneva-based organisation. Thanks to financial support from TIPS and the Dutch and Swiss governments, they are available to all interested users in South Africa.

For more information on these types of workshops at TIPS, please contact Mmatlou Kalaba at tel: � 12 4317900 or e-mail: