The cost of non-tariff barriers to business along the North-South corridor (South Africa-Zimbabwe) via Beit Bridge

  • Date: Wednesday, 29 August 2007
  • Venue: BUSA Offices, 1st Floor, 3 Gwen Lane, Sandton, Johannesburg
  • For enquiries or to register please contact: RSVP: Judy Govender (by Friday 24 August)Email: (011) 339 2021Fax: (011) 339 2154

Liberalisation of goods trade has enjoyed substantial advances in Southern Africa in recent years, notably through the SADC and COMESA free trade agreements (FTAs). Notwith-standing ongoing problems with rules of origin pertaining to tariff concessions, tariff rates have been reduced substantially and processes established to liberalize and/or harmonize services trade and associated regulations. Yet major obstacles to the actual conduct of trade remain. Both SADC and COMESA have recognised this and established processes to address non-tariff barriers (NTBs). Key to the success of those processes is identifying the most problematic NTBs, and establishing institutions to effectively deal with them.

In late 2006 SAIIA, supported by TIPS, initiated analysis of these issues through a pilot-study of South Africa-Zimbabwe trade via the Beit Bridge border post , the busiest border in Southern Africa. Join us to discuss the interim findings, and to discuss a proposed follow-up study based on the findings of this pilot research.

Organisers:The South African Institute of International Affairs, Business Unity South Africa and Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies


Chair Stephen Hanival, TIPS
10h30-10h45 Welcome (Catherine Grant, BUSA)
10h45-11h15 Overview of the study and main findings (Gregory Mthembu-Salter)
11h15-11h45 Discussion
11h45-12h00 Presentation of ideas for follow-up study (Peter Draper, SAIIA)
12h00-12h30 Discussion
12h30 Closure