Southern Africa Development Research Network Launch Workshop

TIPS is pleased to announce the launch of a new development-focused research network funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

SADRN's broad objectives are to:

  • Increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the SADC region by creating a pool of suitably-skilled researchers based in institutions in SADC,
  • Improve the policy-relevance of research through growing the capacity of policy-makers to be discerning research 'users'.
  • Develop an appreciation for evidence-based policy making by engaging policy-makers in the design, specification, implementation and review of research projects.
  • Build institutional capacity in key organisations in SADC via the creation of 'centres of excellence' in focused thematic areas of research.  

We propose that the Network operate with two founding principles underlying its activities.

First, SADRN should add to the existing body of knowledge and resources available to SADC countries. In other words, there must be additionality built into Network so that the limited research supply available is not simply diverted from another donor project to the Network.

Secondly, the Network must be based on the development of 'local' policy and research capacity. This is important not only from a political-economy perspective but is crucial if the Network is to be sustainable in the long term.

In order to obtain the views of key stakeholders in both the research and policy communities TIPS is hosting a launch workshop where these issues will be debated in detail. The workshop will also start the process of focusing the research and support activities of SADRN at a thematic level.

Further information may be obtained from the acting SADRN Co-ordinator Mmatlou Kalaba ( or from Amanda Ryland ( Alternatively, please phone TIPS on � 12 431 7900 or fax: � 12 431 7910.