Trade Data Analysis Course (Cours d'Analyse Commerciale: Integration Regionale et Performances Commerciales)

  • Date: Monday, 17 March 2008
  • Venue: Antananarivo, Madagascar

In March 2008, members of the TIPS team, Myriam Velia and Ximena Gonzalez-Nu�Ã�ƒ�Â�±ez, provided a series of training sessions in Antananarivo, Madagascar to participants from a wide range of backgrounds - government and customs officials, industry representatives and statistical employees. The course, which largely followed the programme and objectives of TIPS' advanced trade data analysis course, was oriented towards a presentation of the Southern African Trade Database ( an online database developed by TIPS, consisting of the import and export data of 11 Southern African states. The database has been compiled from data provided by member states.

The course was well attended and TIPS is particularly grateful for the support received from our hosts, the International Finance Corporation (IFC of the World Bank Group) bureau in Antananarivo, who provided outstanding assistance in terms of IT, organisation, etc. We also wish to thank the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Le Minist�Ã�ƒ�Â�¨re de l'Economie, du Commerce et de l'Industrie - MECI) and in particular, Mr. Freddie Mahazoasy, the Director General involved with trade at the MEC, who honoured us by officially opening the course. The presenters also benefited from input by Mr. Gerard Ravelomanantsoa, Director of International Relations and of Economic Integration of the MECI (Directeur des Relations Internationales et de l'Integration Economique in the Minist�Ã�ƒ�Â�¨re de l'Economie, du Commerce et de l'Industrie - MECI). �Â� 

The course organisers have also benefited from excellent preparation by APB Consulting in Madagascar.

TIPS is grateful for the support of Alain Pierre Bernard (APB Consulting), Anouchka Dina Razakandisa (IFC) and Fanja Ravoavy (IFC) whilst in Madagascar.

AusAID support made the visit possible.