The Launch of Trade in Services Thematic Working Group

  • Date: Thursday, 18 June 2009
  • Venue: La Pirogue Hotel, Mauritius
  • For enquiries or to register please contact: Mr Sawkut Rojid at
  • Organisation: TIPS and University of Mauritius

The "Services Sector Development" Thematic Working Group was launched on the 18th of June 2009 at La Pirogue hotel in Mauritius. The launch was coupled with a workshop on the same theme, whereby participants from several ESA countries discussed on potential and prospective research on the theme. SADRN has earmarked 11 studies around the theme to be funded under the "Services Sector Development" theme. The Coordinator for this theme is Mr Sawkut Rojid who is a lecturer at the University.

Participants were mainly researchers from Namibia, Botswana, Uganda and Mauritius. The SADRN Network Coordinator was also in attendance as well as the entire coordinating team for the "Service Sector Development" TWG.�Â� �Â�  There resource person for the launch workshop was Dr Tabitha Kiriti from the School of Economics at University of Nairobi, Kenya. She specialises in International Economics, Development Economics and Macroeconomics. She has also published in more than 30 journal articles in these fields, including trade in service research.

Four research proposals were presented and discussed at the workshop. Although five proposals have been considered, one researcher could not attend the launch workshop due to other commitments. The titles of those proposals are given below as follows:

  • 1. Prospects for the establishment of an education hub: The case of Botswana
  • 2. Railway Sub-Sector Contribution to Poverty Alleviation in Namibia
  • 3. Services Sector Development in Uganda: An Analysis of the Role of the Financial Services Sector
  • 4. Services Sector Development: A Key to Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development in Mauritius

The official launch was taken seriously and respected by the University and Faculty Management. The Dean of the Faculty of Law and Management, Associate Professor Jawaheer was present at the launch and he had the opening remarks.�Â�  The two Vice Chancellors of the UoM, Prof. Ghurib-Fakim and Prof. Rughooputh were also in attendance. Prof. Ghurib-Fakim was given an opportunity to speak on behalf of UoM. He praised the Launch of SADRN TWG on "Services sector Development" as a sign of confidence in the UoM and�Â�  thought that the contribution of such an initiative to the University, young researchers as well as regional integration in Eastern and Southern Africa will be immeasurable. Both speakers were full of praises for the initiative, but especially for International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for providing the funding and opportunities for young researchers to get exposure on these issues.

Launch photo

Names, from left to right:

Mr Mmatlou Kalaba, TIPS Trade Economist and SADRN Network Coordinator; Prof Rughooputh Sunil, Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Mauritius; Prof Ameenah Ghurib-Fakim, Pro Vice Chancellor, Teaching and Learning and Mr Sawkut Rojid, lecturer at the University and Services Sector Development Theme Coordinator.