International Carbon Action Partnership are running a summer school and have called for applications to attend. This is an excellent opportunity for policy makers in developing (and developed) countries who want to know about the practical steps in implementing Emissions Trading Schemes. It takes place in July and the deadline for applications is 15 April.
Tobias would like to invite ICAP members to volunteer as speakers. The preliminary program is attached for your information. We would be particularly interested in including ICAP speakers at the following sessions:
- Initial Experiences in other ETS (21 July);
- Defining the Scope and Coverage of a Trading System (22 July);
- Tools and Methodologies for Data Collection and Inventory Generation (22 July);
- Ensuring Operation of the Trading Scheme: MRV & Enforcement (25 July);
- Expanding the EU ETS -- The Integration of a New Sector (26 July);
- Developing Countries in the Global Carbon Market: Overview and Development (27 July).
If you are interested in volunteering as a speaker for either of the session above or another session, please give me an initial indication, also mentioning what session/topic you would like to cover. The ICAP Summer School Organizing Team will then discuss how volunteers could be best included in the program.