Call for papers:
TRAPCA is therefore calling for papers addressing the following themes for the Trade
policy Forum 2011.
1) The Turn towards Regional and Bilateral Agreements
This session will track the trend towards regional and bilateral trade agreements and seek
to account for their rise and consider its implications for African countries. Would deeper
integration among African countries and with other non-African countries ensure their
increased participation in the multilateral trading system?
2) Ramifications of the Stalemate in the Doha Negotiations for African Countries
Papers under this session will explore the potential benefits that could be realized by
African Countries if the Doha Round is successfully concluded. With the stalemate in
the negotiations and expected rise in the number of bilateral and regional trade
agreements, what would be the impact on the preferences enjoyed by African countries in
their key markets? Would this trend compromise efforts aimed at alleviating poverty in
3) Compatibility of African Regional and Bilateral Agreements with WTO
Papers under this session will examine the extent to which commitments made in
bilateral and regional trade agreements between African and non-African trade partners
are consistent with their WTO commitments, particularly in light of Article XXIV of the
GATT 1994 and Article V of the GATS. What is the impact, if any, of the proposed
MFN clauses in some of the agreements under negotiation?
4) Aid for Trade and Funding Mechanisms in Economic Partnership Agreements
Papers in this session will consider the extent to which aid for trade and funding
mechanisms in Economic Partnership Agreements are available and as such serving as
incentives to finalize EPA negotiations. Are these compensatory mechanisms adequate
to offset the losses that would be incurred by the entering into a reciprocal trading
arrangement with the European Communities?
5) Trade and Exchange Rates
Papers in this session will consider the impact of exchange rate policies on international
trade. It would seek to address whether devaluation or undervaluation of a country's
currency affect terms of trade and if so, what would be the most optimal policy for
African countries?
6) Eligibility Requirements in AGOA and Other Preferential Trade Agreements
Papers in this session will consider the types of eligibility requirements in the African
Growth and Opportunity Act as well as other preferential trade agreements, including
rules of origin and non-trade related requirements and the impact of such requirements on
access to developed-country markets.