Call for papers and panels: 2012 RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON MICROINSURANCE, APRIL 2012

  • Date: Thursday, 01 March 2012
  • Venue: University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands
  • For enquiries or to register please contact: Should you have any further questions, please contact:
  • Organisation: Institute for Governance Studies (IGS), The African Studies Centre (ASC), The Microinsurance Network (MIN), The Center for Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR) Munich Re Foundation German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) The University of Mannheim

2012 Research Conference on Microinsurance

You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the 2012 Research Conference on Microinsurance on 11,12,13 April 2012 at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands by:

Institute for Governance Studies (IGS),
The African Studies Centre (ASC),
The Microinsurance Network (MIN),
The Center for Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR)
Munich Re Foundation
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
The University of Mannheim
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The objective of the conference is to assess the state of the art in microinsurance research and to provide a platform for further in-depth academic discussions, as a complement and follow-up to the Annual International Microinsurance Conferences. In addition, the conference aims to create a dialogue between researchers from different geographical regions and the variety of research disciplines.


For further information on suggested conference themes, important dates, submissions and registration please visit our conference website. <>

Should you have any further questions, please contact:

We are delighted that key-notes will be given by:
Jerry Skees, Craig Churchill, Shawn Cole and Xavier Giné

Advisors and organizers are:
Glenn Harrison, Markus Frölich, Robert Lensink, Anne van der Veen, Haroon Bhorat, Hans Jürgen Rösner, Shawn Cole, Xavier Giné, Susan Steiner, Aaltje de Roos, Arthur ten Have, Dirk Reinhard, Véronique Faber, Marleen Dekker, André Leliveld, Marcia Clifford, Karlijn Morsink