CALL FOR PAPERS: 2nd International Conference on International Trade and Investment

  • Date: Wednesday, 24 October 2012
  • Organisation: University of Mauritius (UoM) and the WTO Chairs Programme (WCP)

Call for Papers

The organizing committee invites abstract submission (Max 300 words) from researchers and practitioners in the field of international trade, finance and investment. All abstracts should be formatted to facilitate the review process. Author's names and details, including names of all co-authors plus affiliations and addresses for general correspondence (including email address) of each author, and a brief personal profile (maximum 100 words) of the presenter, should appear on a separate cover page .In submitting an abstract, at least one author undertakes to attend the conference if the final paper is accepted. In addition, one author should not have more than two submissions, either a single or a co author. All submissions should be forwarded via email (as a word.doc attachment) at and Researchers are encouraged to register upon acceptance of their abstract.
Authors of accepted abstracts will need to submit the completed paper (maximum 5,000words) by September 15, 2012 for inclusion in the Conference proceedings (ISSN 169412225), subject to a blind review. Selected papers may be considered for possible publications in the The World Economy and African Development Review.

Preference will be given to those submissions which indicate a clear contribution to the present body of theoretical knowledge in international trade and investment. In particular, for the 2012 Edition, we welcome papers addressing, but not limited to the following themes:

Financial Crisis and International Trade
Financial Crisis, International Investment and Capital Flows
Financial Crisis and ODA
Globalisation and Developing Countries
Macroeconomic Policies and Financial Crisis
Trade and Sustainable development
Trade and Food Security
Trade, Governance and Economic Development
Aid for Trade
Trade Barriers and NTMs
Competition Policy and Trade Liberalisation
Trade in Services
Regional Trade Agreements
Trade and the Labour Market Dynamics


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