Partnership for Economic Policy Conference - 10th General Meeting in South Africa

  • Date: Thursday, 02 May 2013
  • Venue: Lagoon Beach Hotel, Cape Town

PEP general meetings are international events that gather hundreds of participants – development researchers, practitioners, lead experts and policy stakeholders - from around the world, who travel to learn and share knowledge on the most recent methodologies, concepts and findings in the analysis of policy issues related to poverty, economic and social development.

Strengthening research capacities in developing countries

These meetings are, for instance, the perfect occasion for PEP-affiliated resource people and international experts to provide hundreds of developing country researchers with intensive training in the use of the most updated analytical tools, concepts and methodological innovations fostered through the network's supported research and initiatives. 

Following training sessions, attending researchers are invited to present either new research proposals - or latest reports from their currently funded PEP research project - to fellow researchers and PEP evaluators.

To all attending participants, and especially developing country researchers, PEP meetings present a unique opportunity in terms of peer-review and international networking experience.

Bridging research to policy

PEP general meetings also usually feature a one- or two-day policy conference (or plenary sessions), to present and discuss the policy implications of PEP research and analytical approaches. These presentations are thematically focused in accordance with current or emerging development policy issues, and several relevant stakeholders (policymakers, international institution representatives, etc.) are invited to both attend and participate in. 

As they provide an opportunity for international participants of both academic and government affiliations to debate on the issues at hand, these conferences thus contribute to bridging the gap between research and policy when defining options to address poverty issues and promote development in the South.

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