SUMMARY: The case study explores the key elements of Just Transitions in South Africa and draws lessons on how Climate Investment Fund (CIF) investments affected Just Transitions. The study explores the diverse perspectives and approaches of the key actors involved in South Africa’s Just Transitions. It reflects on the CIF’s contributions to the energy transitions in South Africa and highlights the importance of considering both the distributional effects of climate action and recognising marginalized groups by including them in discussions and decision-making processes. The report also examines the role that CIF and Multilateral Development Banks MDBs can play and identifies in supporting Just Transitions in South Africa.
KEY FINDING / RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommendations include, et al: •Transparent and participatory socio-economic modelling; •Cross-sectoral dialogues, social inclusion and participation; •Concessional finance, critical at the early stages of innovation for de-risking initial investments; •Skills development; •Adopting a regional focus that supports repurposing and rehabilitating coal mines, economic diversification, and investments in built and ecological infrastructure.