FDI Tracker Q3 and Q4 2020


This FDI Tracker presents an analysis of foreign investment projects captured in Q3 and Q4 of 2020. It covers two quarters due to low investment activity in Q3 2020 combined with general delays in the release of company and aggregated data, such as those which inform the investment environment analysis. The slowdown in economic activity in response to the COVID-19 pandemic impacted global investment throughout 2020; however, as strict lockdown regulations were eased in the latter half of the year and the South African economy began to gradually resume operations, investment activity appeared to increase again. A crucial driver of the rise in investment projects in Q4 2020 was the South African Investment Conference held in November 2020 where a number of foreign investment pledges were made. In the report, investments from the conference and those announced separate from the conference are distinguished when relevant. A total of 37 projects were recorded over the two quarters with nine projects identified in Q3 2020 and 28 projects in Q4 2020.

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Press release: South Africa’s manufacturing sector gets a boost of foreign direct investment

South Africa's manufacturing sector gets FDI boost, TIPS Trcker finds - By Tasneem Bulbulia, Engineering News, 26 May