Electrical machinery comprises a range of equipment used in generating and distributing electricity. As such, it appears to have benefited from the national build programme over the past two years. Production grew by 10,7% from third quarter 2013 to third quarter 2015, which meant growth accelerated over the previous three years, when it had climbed 5,5%. From the second to the third quarter, production reportedly rose by 13,2% in seasonally adjsuted terms.
The industry contributed 3,3% of total manufacturing production in the third quarter of 2015, down from 3,1% in the third quarter of 2013 and virtually the same as in 2010.
Employment was 36 000 in the third quarter of 2015. It had reportedly increased by around a third in the previous five years, but the figure is so small that reported changes are generally statistically insignificant.
Capacity utilisation rose in the past quarter, from 79,8% in the second quarter of 2015 to 82,0% in the third quarter. It had been 81,2% two years earlier, in the third quarter of 2013 and around 83% in 2008.
Electrical machinery trade is included under the broader machinery and equipment category in current trade statistics. The grouping is analysed under machinery and appliances above.