
Wood and paper 2021


Wood and paper refer to the processing of wood, including milling and pulping, and the production of final products such as plywood, furniture and paper. Printing and publishing are dealt with separately because they differ substantially from the wood and paper sections of the value chain. The wood and paper value chain incorporates first-step processing of sawn wood from timber plantations to produce lumber and biomass. Lumber and biomass undergo further processing to produce paper and pulp and high-quality wood that is used in construction and housing, joinery, furniture and industrial  applications. The sawmilling sector is dominated by several large vertically integrated groups with interests in the various aspects of the value chain, from forestry to first and second phase processing and transportation. These groups include Sappi, Mondi and Safcol. In addition, several smaller sawmilling groups and a sizable number of informal sector sawmills, usually referred to as "bush mills”, play a significant role in meeting domestic market demand.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment