
Transport equipment 2021


The transport equipment subsector comprises of the manufacture of motor vehicles, bodies for vehicles and tractors, trailers and semi-trailers, parts and accessories for motor vehicles, building and repairing ships and boats, aircraft, railway and tramway locomotives, and motorcycles and bicycles. The value chain stretches beyond the direct supply chains between large-scale first-tier component manufacturers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). It involves related upstream sectors such as plastics, recycling, metals and chemicals, providing inputs for manufacturing components. The industry is dominated by seven large multinational OEMs, which source inputs from first-tier component manufacturers and more minor-scale inputs from second-tier component manufacturers.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper