
Industry study: Clothing and textiles 2024

TIPS industry studies aim to provide a comprehensive overview of key trends in leading industries in South Africa. For each industry covered, working papers will be published on basic economic trends, including value added, employment, investment and market structure; trade by major product and country; impact on the environment as well as threats and opportunities arising from the climate crisis; and the implications of emerging technologies. The studies aim to provide background for policymakers and researchers, and to strengthen our understanding of current challenges and opportunities in each industry as a basis for a more strategic response.

This report examines the clothing and textiles industries of the clothing, textile, footwear and leather (CTFL) in South Africa by briefly analysing the value chain, its contribution to gross domestic product (GDP), the trade patterns the subsector experienced from 2001 to 2022, employment, functional inequality in the subsector, and the main locations where clothing and textiles manufacturing is concentrated in the country. In addition, the structures and stakeholders that govern the industry are listed and discussed, as well as the the main constraints these industries face, along with an accompanying SWOT analysis.

Industry Studies

Clothing and textiles 2024

International Trends in the Capital Goods Industry 2024

International Trade in South Africa's Automotive Industry 2024

Capital goods in South Africa 2024

Plastics 2024

Clothing and textiles 2024

Auto manufacturing 2023

Electrical equipment 2023

Additional studies for other industries will be added when finalised.